Monday, August 19, 2002

Haven't been doing this blog thing. I can't seem to get used to it. I type a separate journal on my comp sometimes, but most of the time it all seems too personal to publish on the web. Besides. I still don't get the point of the blog. Except the cool personality things I like to put up, (if you know of more, send me more quizzes!) why would I type up how I'm feeling so everyone can read it? I mean, if I feel like talking about something, I'll talk to someone personally about it. Bleh.
Things have been frantic lately. Buying and trying to pack college stuff, getting last minute errand things done, seeing people before I leave, cleaning. Too much stuff to do, too little time. Geez it must sUCK to have school started already. I feel bad for you high school people. I know I hated college people last year. heh.
My sleeping schedule has been horrible lately. I keep going to bed later and later and waking up later and later. I keep setting my alarm so I'll start waking up like a normal person, but for some reason I sleep past it. Or I turn it off and go back to sleep... i think.... Anyways, today I woke up at TWO FREAKING THIRTY and I cussed at myself drowsily when I realized what time it was because it's reALLY bad when you start waking up when high school is getting out. Bleh. Will wake up earlier tomorrow. But it's 2 am now and I'm still not asleep and ranting and this is getting really boring and I wonder who the heck reads these things anyways. G'night.

posted by Steph at 11:56 PM


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