Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I have no internet in my apt. It sucks.

I'm sitting outside at a bench waiting for my 3:30 meeting (thank god for free UT wireless).

The scorching sun, smell of rotting food from a nearby garbage can and clouds of smoke from these chain-smoking hippies evokes memories of childhood vacations in Taiwan....

Blah. Ok, the nostalgia has worn off. Now I'm just grossed out.

I'm relocating.

posted by Steph at 12:52 PM 0 comments

Sunday, March 20, 2005


his name is Bellini.

Bellini = Peach (fur) + Champagne (ears and tail)

Bellini loves attention

and food

(look at him licking his chops)

and sleep.

What a big baBy.

He's so friggin cute.

I'm not even that big a cat person, but this kitty is the best. He has the cutest meow and follows you around like a puppy and looks up at you and begs to be scratched. He purrs when you talk to him or pet him. He is very clean and polite and is SO CUTE I can't stand it.

posted by Steph at 11:54 PM 1 comments

Sunday, March 06, 2005

It was a good/bad/then good weekend.

Field trip was fun - we ate great crawfish at Magnolia's, played poker tournaments, stayed up late and talked, ate dim sum, and oh yeah - went to companies. I think the best part is definitely just taking a field trip with the people though.

On the way back to Austin last night I got into a (minor) accident. It was rainy and dark and I hit some corner median that jutted into what should normally had been a 3rd lane right after some construction. It friggin sucked. I cussed my head off. It's been a really really bad year for me driving wise. My mom told me she had gone to the temple and they said this year was bad luck for me. How funny in a not funny way.

Anyways, thanks to Kristal/Thao/Jenny who were riding with me for being really nice and supportive, and Chris and Louis who was driving with us (thank goD) and changing my tire (with manly Thao's help) and talking guy/car language and making us feel safe, and Jerry for coming out to get the girls because we had so much crap we couldn't all go back with Chris. And Steve for calling to check up on us and ask what color fluid was leaking from my car.

It's amazing, even/especially when bad things happen, you see so much more good in people. Aside from those friends I can always count on, strangers were stopping to see if we were ok. These guys driving behind us stopped at the gas station with us to check our car, this guy offered his 4 way tire changer thingamabobber, another guy got out of the truck to help our two guys push my car off to the side in the rain. The thing was, some of these guys looked pretty scary, and normally if I was alone I'd be wary. I guess that goes to show you really never know what to expect from people.

And maybe because that happened and we were all shaken up, we agreed to go with Jenny to the vascon party to end our weekend on a good note again. It was fun. Certain people sure are funny as hell drunk. Then we ate at waffle house. Good waffles.

Thanks again guys for helping/caring. At the worst times, it's nice to have you to count on.

posted by Steph at 12:15 PM 1 comments