Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Ah. Woe is me.

My life consists of an endless flurry of meetings and tests... eyes bleary, cognition fuzzy, temples pounding ...
As I stagger through this journey of pain and sorrow I wonder,

Is is destined to be thus for the rest of my days?
Is my childhood truly over?

Alas, it is so.
Forever gone are the carefree days of my youth... those joy-filled days where I lazily stretched my limbs out in the sun, letting those golden rays of warmth dance lightly on my bronzing flesh... days filled with gentle laughter, clement breezes and flower gathering ... of newly ripened fruit plump for the picking ... of soft willow-grass gently curving to enfold you in its embrace ...

but now there is no sun.

my world is a cold, desolate realm of fatigue and hunger - scholastic obligations always completed before rest and sustenance can be procured.
I am alone, so alone.
and tired, oh so tired...

I Cast my eyes and hands upwards to the harsh and unyielding gods above, praying they will pity this poor mortal and swiftly end my days of suffering in this cruel, cruel, world.

What the hell am I talking about.
And geezus, when did I become a Forest nympH?!

Reading/studying mythology for 3 hours is not good for the sanity.
But it's amusing for the diction, no?

posted by Steph at 10:43 PM 0 comments

I feel so bad having to buy food now.
We have NO food in our fridge.
I'm so hungry...
I hate having to keep buying foood.

posted by Steph at 6:40 PM 0 comments

There has been a recent trend in felt jogging pants among the female residents in the Dobie community.
These little 'outfits' are worn fool the unsuspecting male into believing the females attired in these clothes actually exercise.
But be warned. Colorful jogging pants and matching headbands do noT a healthy individual make.

Upon closer examination it seems the purpose of these polyester/felt pants is to pull all adipose tissue from the upper gluteus maximus and force it into the lower, and actually covered, region. The end result is a pair of overstuffed, funky-looking pants.
WHY would you want your butt to look half its length, but twice its width?
Are @$$cracks now in fashion?

posted by Steph at 12:51 PM 0 comments

I actually went to sleep early last night, instead of sleeping late then napping in the afternoon.
It is much better.
I'm still sleepy, though.

posted by Steph at 8:09 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

I was unhappy.
Every day I learn a little more about the "real world" and it's "real people" and it makes me a little bit sadder.

So I tried the slogan thing on Omar's profile.
You enter in a word.
It made Christy and I laugh hysterically.
Sometimes you just need that.
These are funny:

Moving at the speed of Christy.
Have a Christy and Smile.
Try Christy, you'll like it.
A Christy is Forever.
A Smooth-Running Christy is a Relaxing Experience.
You're in Good Hands with Christy.

and my favorite?

Christy - It Does a Body Good.

posted by Steph at 12:03 AM 0 comments

Monday, April 28, 2003

I am not happy.
I am cranky.
I have 3 tests this week and a CYC essay to write and an election speech to think of and an EOS dress to pick up and laptop and projector to checkout and 2 BC meetings to go and a MAN366P class to sign up at the management office with an advisor and a review session to go to to slide show to revamp on the crappy business school laptops and laundry to do and one more fencing practice to go to and a biopsychology article and I JUST WANT EVERYONE TO LEAVE ME ALONE.

I'm ok now.
I was just whining.
But seriously, leave me alone.
I'm sorry if I cut you off this week, k?
AND I HATE how loud a certain suitemate is.
Her voice is the most annoying thing on earth.
I swear.
Plus I'm out of food = Crankiness x10

posted by Steph at 9:15 PM 0 comments

Sunday, April 27, 2003

I ordered a sandwich.
I debated between just going to sleep hungry, or staying up another few hours and eating and studying, and my hunger won.
My savior.
I used to order pitas a lot, but I guess I got tired of it after dozens of times, so I'm moving on to new thing, exploring new horizons.

I ordered the Billy club.
Roast Beef, ham, provolone (it's a kinda cheese), Dijon mustard, lettuce, tomato, mayo.

The Beach club also sounds very good.
Turkey, chunky avacado, cucumber, cheese, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, mayo.

Maybe one day when I'm in the mood for something lighter.
I'm So so hungry now.

I'm gonna shower and read and wait and anticipate the delivery of my food.

posted by Steph at 10:46 PM 0 comments

I tried to study all weekend.
I really did.
I did get stuff done, but not nearly as much as I wanted.
If I can survive next week it'll be ok.

posted by Steph at 8:58 PM 0 comments

Saturday, April 26, 2003

I had the weirdest night ever.
I was on a wild goose chase.
I'm so tired.
I hope he/she is ok.

posted by Steph at 12:06 AM 0 comments

Friday, April 25, 2003

14-year-old student of a suburban harrisburg junior high school shot and killed his principal, then killed himself.

That is so sad. It makes me sick. What the heLL is wrong with people??

"The principal, Doctor Eugene Segro, died from a gunshot wound to the chest. "

He was a doctor!!! He was a doctor that chose to be a junior high principal, and look what he got for it.
What a waste..
Stupid freaking kid.
He should've just shot himself.
I know, I know. I don't mean it.. but what a STUPID way of dealing with whatever little problem he had.
Should I blame the parents? Was it bad parenting? Neglect? Temorary Insanity? Hormones?
Whatever. Either way, it's sad. And disgusting.

posted by Steph at 8:41 AM 0 comments

4000 in Beijing Quarantined with suspected case of SARS

"300 college students who had contact with infected people suffering the dangerous new disease, known as SARS, have been sequestered in a military training camp for two weeks' observation. "

This is why I can't go to China this summer, to Beijing University. The school closed down and everything.

posted by Steph at 8:31 AM 0 comments

Since class was let out 30 minutes early and it was only 9 am and it was so beautiful outside and the epicurean in me was crying out for attention, I decided to make a detour to Einstein's Bagel. I had reached into my pockets earlier and found 10 bucks. (This is why cash is so bad for me. I spend so much of it so quickly. Usually on food. Good food.)
I bought a lox and bagel (Smoked salmon, cream cheese, sweet onions, capers, on a toasted honey whole wheat) and decided to splurge on a freshly squeezed very yummy orange juice. I don't do 'from concentrate' unless I have to. Which is most of the time...
I'm happy.
I really love food.
I plan to have a lot and eat a lot of it when I finally get my apartment.
And while I know it's bad that I get these rather expensive cravings, it feesl SooOo good when I satisfy them.
I am content.

posted by Steph at 8:16 AM 0 comments

I really do like nutrition. I think everything I learned so far really is good to know.
We're learning about nutrition during pregnancy and lactation now, and I think every potential parent should take a class like that before they have a kid.
While I complain about going to class at 9 am, if it wasn't so early, I really would enjoy this class.
We did course evaluations today.
I was SO MAD at how rude some people were. The professor (who is a really good teacher) asked everyone to stay to do the course evaluation, and still about 1/5 of the class just got up and left. I don't know why I was so mad. I think I just felt she spent all this time, and made this very clear packet of all the slides, and was very patient with questions, and we as students should be grateful.
That's one thing I am glad my asian heritage and parents and chinese school teacher has instilled into me. I know it's stereotypical, but our culture really does stress Tiao4 Swen4 Lao3 Shr1 a lot. (respect of teacher) In Tiawan/China (in in Chinese Youth Camp) we greeted the teacher in unison as a class before class, and thanked him/her after wards. *sigh* ::shakes head::
Kids these days..
My kids will definitely know better.
How can this apathetic students just get up in leave in her face like that?
Anyways, I gave her almost a perfect score.
Please show your appreciation (or heck, dissatisfaction) by filling out your teacher evaluation sheets.

posted by Steph at 8:11 AM 0 comments

I just read my mom's forwarded e-mail.
My cousin got married.
Here is the story of the proposal.
It is sooo cute!
And the ring is SO nice.
I told Christy about it, and I was asking her if she would ever want to pick out her own ring:

Christy: "I don't care. It doesn't really matter.. I'm going to lose it anyways."
Me: "ChriSTY!!!"

Anyways, Congratulations Joe&Amy!

posted by Steph at 12:58 AM 0 comments

I really enjoy music.
I wish I had some non-thought required stuff to do lately so I can just listen.
Right now I'm listening to country. Sometimes I really enjoy it.
shout-outs and article took foreVer.

posted by Steph at 12:42 AM 0 comments

Thursday, April 24, 2003

I am now awake. POO.
Thursdays are supposed to be sleep in days, not wake up at 9:30 to register days.
Oh well.
I'm awake and bored.
I steal this from Wei Wei who stole it from.. someone.

*. . . W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .*

[[1]] pierce your nose or tongue: ewwWie. No piercings ever. maybe on ear someday, if I'm feeling particularly crazy.
[[2]] be serious or be funny: funny.
[[3]] drink whole or skim milk: 2%. duh.

* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *

[[4]] lust or love: both. i'm greedy.
[[5]] sunrise or sunset: sunset
[[6]] rap or punk rock: bah. rock
[[7]] staying up late or waking up early: staying up late. I look like craP in the morning.
[[8]] water or soda: Juice? STRAWBERRY BANANA SOBE!!!

* . . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *

[[9]] do you have a crush: lots. usually idealized celebrities. in rare cases, the common mortals. who look like orlando bloom.
[[10]] who is it: depends on my mood.

* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *

[[11]] tall or short of the opposite sex: few guys are shorter than me. thank god.
[[12]] having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend: both. I repeat. I'm greedy.
[[13]] sun or rain: Rain. If I'm inside. Sun, if it's breezy. I'm also picky.
[[14]] vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream: BORING. Mint chocolate chip! Coffee. Mango.

[[15]] boys or girls: due to much peer pressure I considered girls, but when it comes down to it, guys. Gee I hope no relatives read this.
[[16]] green beans or carrots: green beans cooked a certain way. carrots raw. I'm really picky.
[[17]] low fat or fat free: who gives a crap. if it tastes good and won't kill me within an hour of ingestion, I'll friggin' eat it.

* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . . *

[[18]] what is your biggest fear in the world: failure.
[[19]] kids or no kids: at least two. maybe 3. 4 if I'm rich and have a prenup so my husband can't leave me when I get chunky from so many kids because he needs MY money. That's right. MY money.
[[20]] cat or dog: Cat. Dogs are stupid. well, not all. but Cat.
[[21]] half empty or half full: hahaha. I like Christine's. "full. of shit" hahahaha
[[22]] newspaper or magazine: magazines. I like smooth pages. then books. newspapers are dirty.
[[23]] sandals or sneakers: sneakers. make me bouncy.
[[24]] happy and poor or sad and rich: happy and rich. greedy. I am.
[[25]] singing or dancing: Sing.
[[26]] hugging or kissing: geez. both. see a pattern?
[[27]] happy or sad: gay. HAPPY.
[[28]] blondes, brunettes: ...

* . . . T E L L U S A B O U T Y O U . . . *

what time is it: 11:55 am
full name: STEPHANIE
nick names: uh. I've never had a nickname. oh-so-witty adolescents of middle school called me step-on me. vivian is the first to call me stephie. my chinese nick name is Ting3 Ting2. david calls me that sometimes. joe then shanna started calling me Xiao2 Jie5. my mommy and daddy call me Xiao3 Ting2.
#of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: I didn't have one. but I'm 19 now. blah.
date that you blew them out: GAY. Just ask the question When IS YOUR Birthday. APril 2.
pets: two fishies I got from 2 halloween carnivals ago! They're still alive!
height: 5'2.
Eye Color: dark brown?
hair Color: black
piercings: NO
tattoos: NO NO

* . . . W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . . *

where do you want to live: I dunno.
what kind of job do you want: I dunno. One I like. Pays well. Makes me think. Is kinda flexible.
want to get married: Eventually. I'm too wonderful a person to not have my genes be passed on.

hahaha. just kidding.

I'm hungry.
I should study.
But I'm sleepy.
I'll nap. eat. study.
sounds good.

posted by Steph at 10:01 AM 0 comments

I can't believe it took me almost an hour and a half to register.
It took this long just to get 12 hours.
My schedule So Far:


I tired to sign up for MAN336 but it said it was restricted, even though I hate all the requirements, so I dunno.
So I might drop Statistics for Management later.
Wah. I really wanna take ballroom dancing, but all the seniors keep getting it. Besides, I'll never get to take it with someone my age because all the seniors register first.

So far my schedule is SWELL.
No earlier than 12:00pm, no later than 3:30pm, and only one class on Friday. If I can Management, NO classes on Friday!
I feel lazy though. I need more hours. What do I take? What do I take?!?

posted by Steph at 9:28 AM 0 comments

DUDE I saw this guy who looked just like Orlando Bloom today.
Not the Legolas version, but the real life one.
he still looked good.

I find it amusing when people respond to such comments with, "*gasP* don't you have a boyfriend??"
But it doesn't mean I'm blind, for chrissake.

posted by Steph at 12:40 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

POO I can't get the classes I want.
I need a non business class.
help me.

posted by Steph at 8:07 PM 0 comments

I have registrations tomorrow.
I have been planning for months. I'm a dork like that.
I make this excel sheet and I make different sheets with different possibilities for the next two semesters.
I'm not a loser, I just like to plan ahead and make sure I make the best possible choice by considering all possible combinations of options.
So far, it looks like:
ACC311, MAN336, BA324, and with Sarah's recommendation, EDP 363. (don't ask)
I desperately needed a non-business class to maintain my sanity.
If my group gets the Brass Ring Internship thing, I figure that'll add another 5-7 hours to my schedule, so I only signed up for 12.
Plus with ABSA it'll be crazy.
I might take ballroom dance still. We'll see.

posted by Steph at 3:20 PM 0 comments

From Shuo's Blog:

"I'm SO upset. BA 102 blows. We spent all this time preparing for this presentation and we lost. That's not the part that I'm upset about though. It's the fact that the winning group didn't deserve it. We had 10 min time limit for our presentation at the end of which, we will be cut. but NOooooooooooooOOO. They went on for over 15min. Plus they had crappy equipment so the whole thing took 45min. That means the rest of us were cut short. So we only had 8 min at the end of which they forced us to stop. Our group was able to pull it off in 8 min because we were all talking like crazy and cutting out parts of our presentation. Some of the groups weren't so lucky. And guess who won? The group that violated the rules and talked forever of course! Bull Sh*t!!!!"

Basically, that's exactly what happened to us.
Shuo and I both were last to go, and go screwed over.
Friggin #*@#)%*)#@(%#@%.
I was sO pissed yesterday, I didn't even wanna blog it. So I'm borrowing shuo's words.
Stupid BA. The first 3 groups took over 20 minutes, and the 'investor' didn't even ask us, the last group, anY questions at all.
You could tell she just wanted to get the hell out of there.
I was so freaking pissed, because I felt out of the 5 groups, our at least stood a very good chance against the first group, who won. We were just as prepared, and I knOW our presentation was a hell of a lot better (because I freaking did it) and even the girl who carried the first groups eNtire presentation (she really was awesome, the rest of her group... wasn't) said so.

I haven't been blogging lately. Or talking online.
I'm just tired.
I'm tired tired tired. Of everything.
I just want to play and have fun.
No more school.
no more.

posted by Steph at 6:51 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

I spent forever doing our BA powerpointpresentation. It's tomorrow.
I hate school so much now.
I just want it to be over.
I just want to not worry about things anymore.
Easter 'break' was nice, but not long enough.
I got my EOS dress in the mail today. They didn't have my size at Dillards so they shipped it to me free of charge from another store.
ABSA made playoffs. We won our game by default today... = another game Wednesday.
I learned to fence with 2 foils in fencing today. It was neato. Ansar and I made whoosh whoosh noises and acted like we knew what we were doing. We seem to have a flair for the dramatic.
Dobie sprinklers went off Sunday. 10,000 gallons of water. 20-something floor. Some girl lit her towel on fire when lighting a candle or something.
I wanna go home.
I wanna be a kid again.
I went to Yoakum on Sunday - this small town with David's relatives. I went last Easter too. The food is sooo good. I'd get really really fat if I lived there.
His uncle asked how he was and david said something about working and school and being tired.
His uncle replied, "Well, in the next hundred years it don't get better."
I believe it.

posted by Steph at 2:15 AM 0 comments

Friday, April 18, 2003

Ansar and I (and rebecca joined us! She took pictures and video clips with her new camera) were at the fencing tournament for over 4 hours.
FOUR houRS!!!
I missed an ABSA event for it. *gasP*
Yeah. There were so many people. Almost 60.
They divided us into groups of 8 and we just did a round robin; you fenced everyone. First to 3 points wins.
I won 3 out of the 7 people I fenced; I hate losing. ;_;
I wish I were stronger and faster. poO.
But we both advanced to second rounds! Which was cool because we only did it because it was 5 points for our grade and we had previously anticipated just losing and leaving.
But the second round was just pure elimination - and I got eliminated. wah.
I was kidding myself to think that I would be ok just advancing once. Once you win a few times, you just wanna keep climbing higher. Or I do, at least.
Now I wanna get awesome at it and beat everyone!
But that's just my competitiveness speaking.
Sigh. I wish I was good at something.

I'm leaving for Houston tomorrow.
I get to shop with David for suit and Christine for a dress!!
All for ABSA EOS.

posted by Steph at 1:25 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

I played raquetball!
It was fun.
I like it.

posted by Steph at 11:30 PM 0 comments

Another rant:
(I seem to be having lots of those lately)
I'm walking back from fencing; it is hot and I am sleepy.
I wait in this long line for the STUPID Dobie elevators because they only have 3 for 900 people.
These stupid hos walk in behind me.

Stupid girls: oo! Look at the long line! Is this for the elevator?
Me: [thinking] No, moron, we just really like standing around in the lobby. All friggin 60 of us.
Stupid girls: I'm sOo hot. And tired.

So they proceed to walk all the way to the front of the line, right in front of the elevators.
They are the first to get in.
I mean, how can people be SO incredibly rude and inconsiderate and self-centered?!?
WE all waited.. why can't they??
Another couple of @$$wipe brats to add to my never-ending hit list.

one day...
one day......

posted by Steph at 1:25 PM 0 comments

Dobie's fire alarm went off at 4:00am this morning.
I was incredibly tired and annoyed. We stood outside in drizzly & cold weather. Without my contacts, everything was a blur.
I was 20 min late for meeting my group at 7:30 because Christy's alarm went off around 6, and I somehow turned mine off in attempt to shut her's off.
Turns out some #$@%@#%s from the 25th floor decided to play fight with fire extinguishers. If I ever find out who they were, I'm going to beaT them with the fire extinguishers.

posted by Steph at 11:43 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Three stinky meetings today. One at 9 am, one ending just now.
and in between those and classes I lost my phone and had to go back to eco class to find it. walking around all day.
pOO. so much stuff to do piling on never stopping crazyness.

wah i have to meet up at jester tomorrow at 7:30. AM!
I'm scared I can't handle it all next year..

posted by Steph at 9:25 PM 0 comments

This morning I woke up at 8am for a stinkin BA meeting at 9am. (Tuesday and Thursdays are my sleep in days, so I was not particularly happy)
I wait at the Union for 30 minutes and get a call from a member, informing me they were meeting at SRB, wherever the heck that is. I find out it's some dorm on 27th, off campus.
I wasTED an hour and 30 minutes, time I could have been sleeping. SLeeping. I like sleeping! Grrr..
One of the members CALLED me a few days ago and told me we were meeting at the Union. I knOW, because I wrote it down as soon as she said it.
yeah. then I realize the slide show and business plan I stayed up till 3 making and editing screwed up while e-mailing or something, so the girl with the laptop didn't bring it.


THEN I get back to my dorm friggin starving and I realize MY FREAKING SUITEMATE ATE THE LAST OF THE RICE.
The rice that I FREAKING cooked in MY FREAKING rice cooker.
Since whEn did I invite that b*tch to partake in MY VICTUALS?!

GET your PAWS of my GRUB, B*TCH.
I shall poison the next batch and cackle merrily as she chokes on it. GRrrrr...
ok. The thought of her death relieves me of my rage for the present.

time to cook more rice.

posted by Steph at 10:03 AM 0 comments

Monday, April 14, 2003

I'm tired.
Not sleepy, because I slept a lot last night. But just tired.
I can not wait until summer.
College is great, but I dunno. I'm just tired.
I want free time.
To do nothing.

posted by Steph at 7:43 PM 0 comments

Sunday, April 13, 2003

wow. instead, I talked to WEI WEI poo (my siSter) on the phone for 2 hours!
I haven't talked that long on the phone in a long time.
YAY she's coming up for ABSA End of Semester banquet!
We're picking out a dress for her this Easter!

I'm sooo hungry.

posted by Steph at 5:18 PM 0 comments

We won our softball game! So out of 4 games, we actually won half, and noT by default!
Yay ABSA. I don't think that's happened in a long time.
We won 9-2.
Shower eat study time.

posted by Steph at 3:21 PM 0 comments

Wow I noticed I didn't blog saturday. How did that happen?
This weekend was all ABSA. Alumni Panel Thurs, Alumni Happy Hour Fri, Car Wash Saturday Morning, Alumni Dinner Saturday Night, and Softball this afternoon.
But it's not usually like this. This was the busiest weekend ever.
Anyways, old ABSA members came to talk to us at our meeting Thurs. I liked it a lot, to know they used to be like us. They talked about what they do now, and what they used to do in ABSA. There was even this couple who meT in ABSA and they're married now. hahahaha. They go, "So you never know..."
hahaha. Everyone looked at the person sitting next to them. It was funny.
And I know my mom is going to kill me when I blog about this (due to her recent calls fuming about my spending too much time with ABSA) but I promise this is the last time! (this semester)
After Alumni Happy Hour at SABA Blue water cafe (expensive) we held what would probably be the last poker night I'd attend this semester.
Hosted by Joe, attended by Gene, Vivian (didn't play but brought me suCH good luck), Philip, Tsung and Chris.
The plan was to hold an Ultimate Championship game; basically, play till the last person. The last 3 to get out play for 1st, 2nd, 3rd which = a certain percentage of the overall pot.
Entry fee - 10$, with buy ins of 10$ max until 1:30 am. A few people bought in, which only added to the pot.
We started at 8pm, ended at 10am.
Yes. We played for 14 hours straight.
Now I know people are gonna think that's crazy, and worse of all, my mom's gonna go beserk on me ... but come one. This iS college. I did this what, once, the entire year?
It was an interesting experience; I don't want to say "yeah, I did nothing in college. I got good sleep everYnight and I studied everYday."
pSH, I say.
It's not that bad. I'm overall a good girl. I think. I just happen to like ..playing cards.. for money.
Anyways, Chris whinEd the whole time about me being a 'black hole' and how he losing money every time I play, which I don't understand because he never complains when he loses to jOE. geez.
So one by one people drop out but we run out of time and finally as time for the Car Wash drifts closer, we decide whoever has the most chips will be 1st, then so on.
Winner gets 50, 2nd 20, 3rd breaks even with 10. But it's not about the money. it's about WINNING.
Finally at 9 am we start raising the antes like crazy and it starts getting nerve wracking as hell. At one point the pot was 20 dollars. The last hand. We played Texas Hold'em. This hand would determine who was 2nd place (It was disgustingly obvious Joe would be first). I got lucky and won with a wittle pair of aces.
But as we were revealing the cards one by one, I thought I was I was going to have a heart attack, I was so anxious. It was the most beautiful feeling in the world.
So joe won 50 bucks, but props to him for treating us to breakfast at McDs at our carwash, and I still need to buy vivian breakfast because when she was there (I was so glad there was another girl there - we made pretty flower formations with my chips) I did well, and I started to believe she was good luck, which made me more confident in my betting. She took a 4 hour nap in which my pile of chips just slowly got eaten away. She woke up then came back and I got confident again and came back a bit. No more playing without Vivian ever again.
anyways, I was tired as hell Saturday and I WILL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN.
(this semester)

posted by Steph at 10:09 AM 0 comments

The one thing that has gone right for me in school this semester:
Our eco group got 6 points added to our average because we won 4th place (out of 14 - but we tied with some) in the video contest!!!
I (and a few other group members) have a 100 in eco!!!
That means that I worked by BUTT off enough the first test juSt enough to not have to do it again the second test, which is good because I knoW I could not have done as well on this one.
I mean, Norman is cool and all, but he is the worst lecturer in the world. I have not learned a thinG sitting in his class. But I think outside of class he would be very interesting.
GOod job to my eco group!
I can not stress how happy I am to leave that class. One less class to worry about.
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

posted by Steph at 9:44 AM 0 comments

Thursday, April 10, 2003

I'm doing my nutrition project, where I had to keep track of my diet for 3 days, and enter it into a database where it shows all nutrition facts, yadda yadda.
Anyways, I entered Milk Tea and it's not there!
UPdate your database, people.

posted by Steph at 10:33 PM 0 comments

Watched texas revue with vivian denise shobit.
The temperature dropped like 15 degrees within the few hours we were there.
I'm glad I saw it though, since I'll miss it Saturday.
ABSA crazyness this weekend:
Friday - Alumni Happy hour
Saturday - Car Wash at noon, Alumni dinner at night
Sunday - IM softball.

I'm hungry.

posted by Steph at 8:26 PM 0 comments

I hAtE the UT website. #$%*@)#(%@#)(%*@#)(%*@#%
I'm helping Christy look up what credits (taken in another school like HCC) transfer into what classes at UT.
I type in "transfer credits" in the search box and Alpha Lamda Delta, Tax reforms, and a bunch of other shiT comes up.
What is that?!?! @*($&@)#(%@(%@#
I HATE the UT WEBSITE. They should just shut down the entire search engine; it's more of a waste of my time to even try it then anything else.

Does anyone know how to find out what classes taken at HCC or UH for summer school gives you credit for Chem 204?

posted by Steph at 12:02 PM 0 comments

Since we're only watching other people's video's in class, I'm going to .. study all day today.
I have to find someone else to study with.
I can't study in my room, and I don't know why, but I definately can't study alone.

posted by Steph at 11:51 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

So weird. The backs of my ears hurt like crap. I keep rubbing them in an attempt to assauge my pain, but it doESN't worK.
I think it was the damn MAgnum markers (huge brain cell killing permanant markers) we had to use to paint our ABSA car wash banners.
Those made my head hurt within 15 minutes. Then the pain lasted for hours.
My ears are owwwie!

posted by Steph at 9:23 PM 0 comments

I don't know why, I have a lot of anger and energy and stress and crazyness pent up in me.
This week I have no tests (finally)
And I haven't been sleeping and I NEED to eat more.
I like Chris' boxing gloves he gave me, but it doesn't help when I have NO ONE to punch.
I'd like a volunteer, please.

posted by Steph at 4:17 PM 0 comments

Pope Devin (12:53:50 PM): some pysch studies have shown that lots of sleep deprivation will actually shut down the bodys defenses to it and you'll no longer be able to tell how tired you really are.

That explains a lot.

posted by Steph at 11:36 AM 0 comments

dANG it now I'm beyond tiredness and don't want to sleep anymore.
I don't understand. I've had little sleep since Saturday.
What's going on?
Tomorrow, sleeping before 12am.

posted by Steph at 3:05 AM 0 comments

If I were as obsessive and perfectionist about school as I was about ABSA slideshows and projects and whatnot, I would be doing MUCH better.
The laundry on my bed prevents me from sleeping.

posted by Steph at 2:40 AM 0 comments

Monday, April 07, 2003

When you walk up the stairs of dobie, you're actually adding 2 flights because of the outside stairs, then the extra stairs to the second floor.
So essentially I walked up 11 flights.
And sad as that may be, I am tired.
I did it to avoid the girls from the room below us. I did not want to be in the same elevator as them.
Our room is so hot.
I have a mouNtain of laundry lying on my bed I do not want to do.

posted by Steph at 5:56 PM 0 comments

Sunday, April 06, 2003

After face painting at the elementary carnival yesterday, I got kinda burned. My shoulders. So at softball today I slathered on SPF 50 sun block (thank goodness for Shanna).
It's so funny because all the girls are all wearing hats and putting on tons of sunblock, because they don't want to be burned before EOS. (ABSA End of Semester banquet)
When I took a shower my shoulders were kinda hot feeling, but at least I'm not burned anywhere else. Oh well.
I need to buy some shorts.
It feels like summer now.
Taking a shower feels soo good. I like feeling clean.

posted by Steph at 5:28 PM 0 comments

holy crap it is official.
I can not believe I left the dorm 24 hours ago to go to volunteering with ABSA, then shopping with ABSA, then dinner with ABSA, then poker and .. etc...
And I just got back..
I really can not believe some of the guys played poker ALL night until 8 am.
and it's sucky daylight savings.
shower and nap time.
then softball.
with ABSA, of course.

posted by Steph at 7:18 AM 0 comments

Friday, April 04, 2003

I am a moron. Due to waking up so late. I now can not sleep.
And I have a 9am class tomorrow!
I've been making use of my time by planning my schedule for next semester. I am so excited.
Accounting, Statistics, BA324 (business communications?), Child psychology, and Art.
Yeah, art. Weird. With all my psychology classes, classics classes, and nutrition, art, and fencing, I'm hardly a business student.....
I could take upper division business courses next year, I guess, but I'm not sure. I need advising on that. What should I take?
Anyways, it was Christy that convinced me to take art with her, since we won't be seeing each other next year ;_;
So I guess an 8 hour art class (TTH 1:00-5:00pm) worth only 3 hours credit is the solution.
Plus I love art, and this one is the only one we could get for non-majors.
Then again, nothing ever works out the way I plan, so we'll see.
Maybe I should try to sleep now.

posted by Steph at 2:04 AM 0 comments

Thursday, April 03, 2003

I have something to admit.
It's not something I'm proud of.
I haven't done this in a lonG LonG time...

I woke up at 4pm today.
I woke up around 2, but then stayed in bed.
I know, I know.
It's just that I had NO sleep the night before, and I couldn't sleep till very late because I was already used to getting to sleep, so I slept for about 12 hours last night.
It felt good.
But I felt very very guilty.
So I'm going to all my classes tomorrow. hahaha. Including my 9 am one.

posted by Steph at 11:53 PM 0 comments

Oh thanks everyone for a great birthday! (yes I'm normal again. This is normal me, talking. Ignore the babbling below)
Xie4 Xie4 very much...


Ok. I'm weird again.

posted by Steph at 12:12 AM 0 comments

It’s addicting, being alone.
When it comes down to it, it’s not about what you want to do or what you like to do; it’s about what you get used to doing.

Last semester I was high on social activities.
I spent most of my evenings, all of my nights, and sometimes my daybreaks with other people. Other people. Any people. All the time.
Dorm hopping. Partying. Visiting. Talking. Movies Games Shopping Eating Drinking -for quenching both kinds of thirst (haha not really....). I stayed up late and woke up early for class, did minimal studying and went out every chance there was. And when there wasn’t; I made some.
There was no need to do work, no drive to study, no fear to motivate me.
Until finals rammed its proverbial foot up my proverbial ass.

My first test of this semester I actually studied. I got a higher A on that test than I have since I’ve been in college.
Of course, then I got too comfortable and started slacking again. It was inevitable. SOoo.. second rounds of tests weren’t so hot.

After Spring Break there seemed to be a flurry of activities, projects, tests, yadda yadda. There was always something to do and reading to catch up on.

All interpersonal relationships ceased to exist. I lost contact with the outer world; feeding a dangerous obsession by spending even more inordinate amounts of time with the entity that will one day be the cause of my downfall; my computer.

Last semester I had experimented, occasional online shopping, AIM, Power Point, some Photoshop. This semester I began to become a much more heavy user.
With the onset of Swing Out Awards, Photoshop was indispensable, e-mails, AIM, and surfing my only source of relief from the tedious work, a growing need to check constantly for sales online, and it became official:
I was an addict.

Of course, I tried to deny it at first. “I was ok, this was only temporary, I know what I’m doing, after this week I would cut back.”
I lied to myself.

I can’t cut back. Not after I’ve relished the joy of acquiring anything I could possibly need through a series of typed commands.
So it got worse. Ebay. Ordering food. Online clothes shopping. Learning Flash. Reading novels online. Everything was attainable with the push of a few buttons.

When did I realize I had a problem?
Today. When my tests were over and I finally had a chance to go out, I didn’t.
I went back to my old habits of watching a movie. Surfing the net.
Yeah, so back to my main point. Thriving in solitude, at some point, becomes addictive.
It’s like my appetite for food has a direct relationship with my appetite for doing stuff.
I wanT to eat, I’m hungry, but I don’t have the appetite.
I want to do stuff, I’m bored, but I don’t have the drive.

I don’t get it.

(I’m extremely brain dead - having studied too damn long, sleeping 2 hours last night, taking 2 tests, and eating cookies and watching movies all night. So I’m just being melodramatic and all of the above is just an exaggerated story-like blog entry written for my own amusement and because I can’t friggin fall asleep. Ignore it. I'm not really 'alone'. I do lots of ABSA stuff! hahaha. ok....I'm a freak...)

I want to go dress shopping tomorrow. I need one for EOS.
Who wants to skip class and take me?

posted by Steph at 12:07 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Aren't you proud.
I studied literally ALL day.
sleep.y. now

posted by Steph at 2:03 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

I am old.

I read Christy's card and it reminded me this was my last year as a teenager.
How sad.
But I will never stop acting young. NEVER!
I deFY old age!

Never will I succumb to the grasping claws of adulthood and senility..
Never will I allow the bloom in my cheeks to fade or my mental capacities to diminish...
Never shall my raven tresses become laced with silver, nor my fingers gnarl, nor my girlish giggle rasp and fade into oblivion..
Even with the cruel passage of Time I shall maintain my youthful vigor...
For All Eternity will there remain a spark in my eye, flames of passion in my heart, and a fiery spirit in my soul!

I don't know where I get this melodramatic diction from; forgive me.

Anyways, thanks so much to those who have alleviated my crappy studying session with well wishes and tokens of affection, even after all these weeks of me quarantining myself in my dorm and not seeing anyone (not by my own free will! well, not really)
I wholeheartedly concur that it is the thought that counts. The thought that people thought of you.
I feel really undeserving, but oh-so-lucky!


posted by Steph at 11:24 PM 0 comments

you know what is a waste of time?
Having to eat and sleep and go to the bathroom and shower.
If I didn't have to do any of, I would have SO much time to be productive.
It's like nowadays when I get hungry or sleepy or have to go to the bathroom I get annoyed at myself for having to take the time to do so.

posted by Steph at 2:29 PM 0 comments

If I can study for the next 10 hours, I will be ok.
I think I'm going to go down to the cafeteria and just sit there for the next 3 hours until they kick me out. That way I never run out of food and I don't have my computer.
Sounds like a good plan.

posted by Steph at 1:17 PM 0 comments

due to severe cramps and backache, I was sO not able to sleep last night.
I have to study all day today. #@$&@#%@#%
2 muy importante tests tomorrow morning. I want to scream.

posted by Steph at 11:51 AM 0 comments