Tuesday, April 15, 2003

This morning I woke up at 8am for a stinkin BA meeting at 9am. (Tuesday and Thursdays are my sleep in days, so I was not particularly happy)
I wait at the Union for 30 minutes and get a call from a member, informing me they were meeting at SRB, wherever the heck that is. I find out it's some dorm on 27th, off campus.
I wasTED an hour and 30 minutes, time I could have been sleeping. SLeeping. I like sleeping! Grrr..
One of the members CALLED me a few days ago and told me we were meeting at the Union. I knOW, because I wrote it down as soon as she said it.
yeah. then I realize the slide show and business plan I stayed up till 3 making and editing screwed up while e-mailing or something, so the girl with the laptop didn't bring it.


THEN I get back to my dorm friggin starving and I realize MY FREAKING SUITEMATE ATE THE LAST OF THE RICE.
The rice that I FREAKING cooked in MY FREAKING rice cooker.
Since whEn did I invite that b*tch to partake in MY VICTUALS?!

GET your PAWS of my GRUB, B*TCH.
I shall poison the next batch and cackle merrily as she chokes on it. GRrrrr...
ok. The thought of her death relieves me of my rage for the present.

time to cook more rice.

posted by Steph at 10:03 AM


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