Thursday, October 31, 2002

Life is NOT good.
Everyone SUCKS.

posted by Steph at 4:32 PM 0 comments

I love this weather!
Despite the fact I was tired and starving, I couldn't help but smile as I was walking back from class today. I love it when it's cold, but you're bundled up just warm enough to be comfortable, but you can still feel the cold make your cheeks tingly.
I know what you're thinking... "maN this girl is moody.."
That I am! It's Halloween! My tests are over for awhile.. I'm almost done with these essays and articles, and life is pretty good.

posted by Steph at 9:01 AM 0 comments

I. just. had. the worst. night. ever.
I have a Reflection paper due at 2 today. I haven't done it
My webpage for BA is due today. I'm halfway done.
I had actually finished most of it last night, but somehow got the files on my computer confused with the files that I saved directly on the server, and basically, I published the wrong thing and deleted EVERTHING I HAD DONE IN THE PAST GOD KNOWS HOW MANY HOURS.
It. was. all. gone.
Well, there was a template, but that's basically about it.
I was so pissed. I really started hyperventilating. So I started over at 1 am and went to bed around 5.
I am now up at EIGHT to go to some ABSA thing cause IBM will give 1000$ to the club with the most people there.
If this isn't sacrifice, I don't know what is. ALL i gotta say is there better be a CRAPload of other ABSA people there... *grumble*
If only I had this most dedication towards my classes....
I'm going crazy.....

posted by Steph at 6:29 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

My other fish has died...
It's this damn dirty Austin water, I tell you! damn water.....
My other fish at home are fine! I even Brita filtered the water jug by jug....
I'm really sad.

Chopin - Sonata #2 in B flat minor ... "funurae marche"

posted by Steph at 4:01 PM 0 comments

lazybum234: hello <--- (Jeff = my mai3 mai2 = sister, adopted)
Demona848: hi
lazybum234: que are u doin for dinner hoy
Demona848: no se. por que senor?
lazybum234: um
lazybum234: sorry if i semed like i had something to do
lazybum234: just wondering if could join you in not sure
Demona848: huh?
Demona848: what're you saying. no comprendo
lazybum234: do u want to go somewhere?
lazybum234: or do u mind if i join u
lazybum234: guess i'm not good at asking a girl out on a date, tho this is anything but
Demona848: hahaha. it's not hard. just aSk
Demona848: say wanna do something for dinner
Demona848: the more casual, the better
Demona848: ::shakes head::
Demona848: guys these days..
lazybum234: girls..
lazybum234: they make it seem like we have to be super romantic
Demona848: no no not at all
lazybum234: and do ridiculous guys like guys on TV sit coms
Demona848: man. we shall discuss this tonight, k?
Demona848: i'll tell you how to ask a girl out
Demona848: and vice versa
lazybum234: ok interesting
Demona848: do you wanna eat out? spend money? eat here? eat spaghetti?
lazybum234: Jeff's thoughts: "oh geez...i really don't know which one to pick, but i know Stephanie thinks i should be mroe decisive...oh geez...i guess let's go out"
lazybum234: hey
lazybum234: let's go out
Demona848: hAhahahha
lazybum234: heh
Demona848: that's hilarious
Demona848: i should show daniel
Demona848: he'd be proud
lazybum234: post in your blog i guess
lazybum234: many girls will think i'm cute
lazybum234: and then talk to me
lazybum234: so...
lazybum234: i think that's a good idea
lazybum234: but u probably shouldn't post what i just said
lazybum234: cuz then they won't come.

lazybum234: doh...u're gonna post it.
lazybum234: *Jeff thinks about what is the most confident and non-uncomfortable sounding way to ask what time to go eat*
lazybum234: What time is good for you?
Demona848: hahaha. that's good

lazybum234: *girls reading! my phone number is...*

lazybum234: ok i got to hit the cal books
lazybum234: so farewell steph
Demona848: okie. bye bye
lazybum234: and farewell to ladies

Jeff chan... 18 year old male ..
first year student at UT ...
valedictorian ... has an.. um.. inteResting.. sense of humor. hahaha
if you want his number, lemme know.

there jeff. you happy?

posted by Steph at 2:02 PM 0 comments

Something I have learned: Making beTs on who will make the higher test grade is great incentive. And racing to see who finishes stupid BA 101 reflection papers first makes you sit down and do it.
see? my competitiveness and gambling complex caN be put to good use.

posted by Steph at 1:34 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

I wish people would stop reading this so I could write more personal stuff again.
GO away!

go away....

posted by Steph at 8:51 PM 0 comments

I was walking home after an ok episode of smallville, and it was really cold.
I think cold makes you feel lonelier..

posted by Steph at 7:25 PM 0 comments

lazybum234 : u are my mother.
lazybum234 : i mean
lazybum234 : i am your mother
Demona848 : hahaha. yeah
lazybum234 : weird...
lazybum234 : i'm your sister and your mother.
lazybum234 : are we from oklahoma or something?
Demona848 : hahahaha
Demona848 : texas
Demona848 : close enough
lazybum234 : :-*

posted by Steph at 3:04 PM 0 comments

Click HERE please.. so I can be a vampire!

posted by Steph at 12:04 AM 0 comments

Monday, October 28, 2002

Holy craP! I made alcohol! I had about 8 ounces of apple juice left in a bottle, purposely stuffed it behind my moniter where it's dark, and it's been 2 weeks. I opened it, sniffed it, and it smells juST like beer! Should I drink it??

posted by Steph at 7:42 PM 0 comments

My fish died!!!
It was the smaller one; and honestly, I didn't think it would live long because it wasn't nearly as active as the older one, and wasn't smart/well enough to go after the food when I fed them. plus he barely moved his tail fin, and when he did, it was in a weird way...
but still...he was alive just awhile ago.....
I'm reading in my room and christy and alana were in the living room studying suddenly when they informed me that one of the fish had gotten stuck in the vent.... and I knew immediately what happened...
my heart wrenched with sorrow at the loss of pet, my companion, my confidante, and more importantly, my wittle friend!

Alana: "maybe he's resting?"
me: "no. he's dead.."
Alana: "sleeping?"
me: "no. he's dead."
Alana: "look! he's moving."
me: "no. that's just the sucking motion of the vent.. he's definitely dead."

Christy proposed a moment of silence and then I scooped his limp little body out of the water..
*sniff* why must everyone go away? no one stays with me....
Bye bye Enshoku (flowery orange in japanese.. cause he was white with pretty orange coloring) You will be missed.
I now need another fish now to keep my other fish company...he's so lonely swimming by himself. And honestly, he's not he only one...
wanna accompany me to Petco? I shall give you the honor of naming my new fish...

posted by Steph at 1:51 PM 0 comments

I just realized that my intent when I started this blog was to record my thoughts, feelings, etc at certain points during the day.
Lately as I realized how many weirdos (j/k) really read this, I've felt compelled to post more general, anecdote-like entries.
I begin to wonder; what's the point if I have to censor the more personal stuff? I mean, I know people read this, and some know waY to much about my life now.
Oh. For example. many people, 5 minutes after I posted it, where like "so.. you've got goldfish, huh?". I mean, it's cool. I don't mind that at all. It's just kinda interesting.
Chris and Christy met yesterday. She says, "Oh, you're the stinky competitive chris from absa". He says "oh, you're the one who has to analyze the bach's choral" (all from previous entries in blog). I thought that was hilarious, the fact they knew stuff about each other because I wrote it.. yet kinda eerie at the same time?
I know lots of people think I should be more anonymous when I talk about the people in my life, but I usually ask someone if I can quote them and stuff, and wouldn't ever put up personal stuff concerning them unless it really effected me, and even then I leave out names. Besides, this blog iS about me, and these people are people I know, so why leave it out?
So back to my soon-to-be-very-personal entry for today. (Warning: much rambling and stream-of-consciousness-like-sentences)
I have issues.
Now let's rewind back to high school.
Ever since I could remember, I've always felt like some sort of therapist. I loved analyzing people and their personalities, talking to them about their problems and figuring out whY they are the way they are. I think given enough time and cooperation from the other person in answering the questions truthfully, I can usually figure out how this person came to be this way. I'd like to think I'll have it down to a science one day.
I remember as a child I would sit under the table or in a corner when all the adults were gathered at parties or family reunions, and instead of playing with the other kids, I'd listen. I could sit quietly for hours and just take in everything I heard. As high school approached, self-esteem, relationship, and family issues all all of the sudden met in a head on collision with every adolescent that I knew, and usually I'd spend hours online talking to people. (this is where I learned to type quickly) I really liked it when someone felt a lot better or solved a problem in their life because I helped.
Wait. but I doubt now. DiD I ever help? I mean, I'd like to think so.. but everything I thought I used to know seems wrong now a days. let me know if I made any impact whatsoever? So I don't go kill myself or something out of realization that I made no difference being here? ugh. anyways.
I think occasionally I would confide in someone, but usually I turned it around and directed the conversation towards them and pumped theM for information on themselves. I would talk to friends when I had problems with school, family, or maybe gossipy problems about my relationship, but I realized that I never talked about how I felT. I'd talk about the situation, not what I was really thinking.
Now it's become a habit. I don't bother telling people how my day really was, how how I really feel. I'm always fine and maybe a little busy, but overall life was good. I just realized how often I did this when I caught myself just writing off people's questions towards me and I'd end up talking about their lives again. It was so much easier to analyze other people's lives. Maybe I was scared to analyze myself? or i have the emotional constipation I accuse others of having.
I was gonna type this whole long thing about what I figured out my problem is, but now I feel it's too personal and long to explain by typing anyways. Basically I feel I am becoming more commitment phobic and start a 'relationship' because I'm intrigued what by what I can't have, go after it, do everything to get it, get it, and just stop. I can't seem to get past that stage. I finally realized today why I do that. Now guys will probably avoid me like the plague, and girls will think I'm a ho. Oh well. At least I"m being honest, righT? Take it as a warning? For the sake of your emotional health, stay away.
If you care to know what this weird complex that I have is, I can tell you face to face sometime. IM and ask. But personal things are best discussed in person. I feel I don't do that enough anymore anyways.. And don't be surprised if I write you off too.
Don't get me wrong. I do talk to people. I'm against the whole keeping it to yourself thing. It's not healthy. I'm happy with where i am i life right now, with what i have, etc. I'm grateful. i've just got some inner turmoil. I've got different friends that I talk to different aspects of my life about, and that works for now.

posted by Steph at 10:13 AM 0 comments

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Jeff on his crappy schedule next semester:

lazybum234 (12:38:19 AM): yeah poor me.
lazybum234 (12:38:23 AM): hopefully later rich me.
lazybum234 (12:38:26 AM): but right now
lazybum234 (12:38:32 AM): poor poor jeff


posted by Steph at 10:41 PM 0 comments

My tank is set up and my beautiful goldfish happy!
Which means I'm happy ^_^

I told Christy I have to post my goldfish names and she says,
"Pepperidge an Farm?"
"Ha... Ha..."
"How bout Stephanie and Christy?"
yeah.. anyways.
Now she's giving me stupid bio terms. "ethenalbromine .. acetylwoeirate"
"Amadeus? BeethoveN?
what a psycho.

I have so much studying and homework left to do...ugh..
I gotta go to another halloween carnival now.. I'm going to be face painting! I'm so excited.

posted by Steph at 10:40 AM 0 comments

I'm back in AUstin! My goldfish survived the trip. I was asked if I wanted to put them on the floor on the car so I would be more comfortable, but I chose to cradle them instead.
"Hey Christy! I brought goldfish!!"
"Pepperidge Farm Goldfish?"
"NO! Real goldfish!"
"blah blah.. something about studying all day yesterday"
"Yay! I love my goldfish.."
"Shut up! I have to analyze a whole bach's choral!"

My suitemake wakes up. I run out:
"I have GolDfish!"
she also thinks I'm talking about the kind you eat..
CHristy: "Why diDN't you bring the kind you can eat?!"
moi: "ShudDUP!"

I'm gonna go buy a tank now. yay!

posted by Steph at 8:02 AM 0 comments

Saturday, October 26, 2002

I had so much to do this weekend. 2 tests on Wednesday, An essay due in Philosophy, crappy homework due in MIS on monday, lots of pages of Roman Civ to read, Front page website and Reflection paper in BA.
I came home to help my mom and dad out at the CCC (chinese community center) halloween festival.
(I got my fish from the carnival last year.. they are 1 year old today) I have another 2 fish, and I wanna bring it up to Austin. But that requires someone giving me a ride tomorrow to go buy a tank.... anyone? please?
I also came home to spend time with my family, and I figured my sister's b-day would be a good time to do it. I'm even willing to lose the member of the year award for ABSA to stinky competitive chrisLiN (yes, chris, yOU) by missing the halloween thing on Sunday. School work and activities can come later, right?
Yeah. Well, that didn't work out.
My dad and I are both the grudge holding, non confronting, sulking people we're were really pissed. Which is why tonight, he's going to sleep early and I'm here blogging and trying to do homework.
So much for family time, eh?
So I figure if we can't spend time together, I might as well leave for Austin with people tomorrow at 7 and do homework and go to the face painting thing for ABSA.
I'm not gonna lie and say no hard feelings. But you make your own choices, right?
It's amazing how oblivious some people can be.

posted by Steph at 9:02 PM 0 comments

Friday, October 25, 2002

I'm at home now. I'm on my mom's computer; the keyboard is slightly smaller and I'm not used to it; my hands keep extending too far and hitting the wrong keys. It's also a lot louder, the keys are more springy and clack pleasantly when I start to get going.
As always, everyone in my family's asleep and I'm too bored and lonely to study. I gotta wake up at 5 something tomorrow to pick up some band things for my sister; but it's better than her going cause I can go get it and come back home to sleep, whereas once she wakes up she can't.. and she neeDs all the sleep she can get. I'm glad I can sleep wherever, whenever .. our hearts will be together.. bleh. sorry. it's subconscious.
I really need a halloween costume. I haven't dressed up in years, and for some reason I want to this year. I don't even know what I'll do with it. Just walk around and visit people's dorms, I guess. Does anyone have any ideas? IM me!

posted by Steph at 11:18 PM 0 comments

Last night I went to sleep at 4:30 am. I woke up for my 9:30 class at 8:30 am, and felt like absolute crAP. I had been sleepy very little (for me - which means about avg 5 hours a night) lately, and my immune system must've broken down or something because I had the worst sore throart I've had in years, my head hurt, I couldn't breathe, I was absolutely exhausted.
I missed my first class since I've been at college. I really didn't want to, but I knew I wouldn't be able to listen in class anyways, and I really needed to feel better. I have a crappy next few days, with tests and projects and activities and I couldn't afford to get sick. So I just kept sleeping. Everytime I woke up I made myself go back to sleep. I really needed to recuperate.
I woke up at 3pm.
I felt incredibly guilty, but really good. Must be the replenished seratonin that I've lacking so badly lately.
Now I can't fall asleep. But I gotta try. I can't get into this vicious cycle of sleeping and waking up late.

posted by Steph at 12:49 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 23, 2002

I wish a had a milk man to make deliveries at my door. We run out of milk too often. I need milk for my cookies!

posted by Steph at 5:40 PM 0 comments

There's this guy in my world philosophy class who always raises his hand in the middle of the professor's lecture and asks the most insipid, pointless, annoYING questions in this pseudo-haughty, nasal voice. Every day he does this; several times during the hour he voices his stupid opinions and after awhile you could hear the people in the room groan and curse in unison when ever his hand shoots up.
Today, Professor Bonevac was talking about about how it doesn't count as knowledge if you know the definition of a word. For example, you can't go out and learn if all bachelors are unmarried or not because being single is part of the definition for bachelorhood. The pompous prick promptly perks up (say that 10 times fast) raises his hand, only to ask, "What if you were a bachelor, but was married to God." What the hecK was he talking about??
I almost leaped across the seats to throttle him, but luckily someone threw a paper ball at the guy's head. It was quite funny, actually. People applauded and hooted. I had never seen our class so rowdy before.
To my surprise, the profressor didn't admonish the guy, just laughed (he has this really cool, baritone voice) and commented on our apparent hostility and continued teaching.
You don't see that happening in high school, throwing paper balls at those people who never shut up and like to hear their own voice.
Ah. The freedoms of college life.

posted by Steph at 1:41 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 22, 2002

TaCo785 (9:21:24 PM): i don't trust those previews..
TaCo785 (9:21:35 PM): it said last week...CLARK NEEDS TO PROFESS HSI FREAKING LOVE TO LANA!
Demona848 (9:22:11 PM): hahaha
Demona848 (9:22:19 PM): it won't happen for awhile
TaCo785 (9:22:23 PM): i was soo mad
TaCo785 (9:22:29 PM): i was looking forward to it..
TaCo785 (9:22:45 PM): i was getting preped for smallville today by watching all the "good scenes" after school
TaCo785 (9:22:51 PM): from past episodes..
TaCo785 (9:22:52 PM): man
Demona848 (9:22:54 PM): daMN you're crazy
TaCo785 (9:22:56 PM): and i was soo excited..
TaCo785 (9:23:00 PM): and now they didn't do it

posted by Steph at 7:27 PM 0 comments

Monday, October 21, 2002

Thank you mommy for the yummy yummy food. And daddy for the printer ink. And christine for whatever dish you made that I haven't figure out yet. And pepperidge farm cookies.
I love you!

posted by Steph at 11:20 AM 0 comments

wow. I remember at the law panel when that guy was like 'sleep, study, socializing.... you can only pick 2. Choose wisely'. I now know what he means to the fullest extent. It is impossible to do all 3. Last night I slept 7 hours and it felt SO good. I used to think I needed 8-9, but after these past 3 days of sleeping 4 hours a day, 7 felt incredible. Due to camping, olympics and volleyball, ABSA has trained me to need a hell of a lot less sleep, endure cold, supress hunger, be impervious to pain, and twist my body in positions i never deemed possible. I feel like I joined a friggin' army.

posted by Steph at 7:52 AM 0 comments

Sunday, October 20, 2002

Daniel calls to ask about the rope and burning problem. Then calls 1 minute later to ask me the answer because he doesn't want to think. My roomate overhears and wants to know the questions. 5 seConds later she asks for the answer because she doesn't want to think. Dang you Joe for starting it all.

posted by Steph at 10:48 PM 0 comments

About those brain teasers? DAMN i'm so tired of those. I've heard too many people's thought processes. In fact, Daniel's over here, and won't leave until he figures out the blue hat/white hat problem so I can tell him he's right...

posted by Steph at 10:23 PM 0 comments

Geez. I never realized how much time ABSA takes up. This weekend was all consumed by it. Camping on Friday from 5pm till 12 pm on Saturday. Olympics Sunday morning till afternoon, volleyball practice at 5, dinner, starbucks, and there's still people here. But we spent the past 3 hours talking about brainteasers. Some of them are really good. Ask me sometime when I see you in person.. It's really interesting how differently people think.

posted by Steph at 9:13 PM 0 comments

I smeared two streaks of black across my cheek and tied a length of red cloth across my forehead. My feet were caked with mud and my hair was plastered to my face and neck. I watched as similarly grubby people grappled and swung at each other, until one finally slammed the other onto the ground. A gush of red splashed the bystanders that were huddled around the wrestlers. (it was jello..)

WELcome to the Business School Olympics.

ABSA is split into 3 teams, due to the impressive amount of member participation. I am on the red team, the dragon team. Our cheer:
Hong2 dway4, hong dway4
Tze1 doh4 fu3,
lohng2 dway4, lohng2 dway4
ti1 pi4 gu3!
(red team, red team, eats tofu, dragon team, dragon team, kick pi4 gu3 (ass))

The following may contain material inappropriate for children under the age of 13
and to my parents and sister who read this.... what can i say. it's colleGe..

We kick off with the Obstacle course. You slide down a slanted hill on tarp covered with dishwashing detergent and water, run across 7 tires, 5 jumping jacks, spin 3 times are a bat, and the best part: Using your face, take out 5 M&M's inside pie tins filled with whipped cream. No hands allowed.
I thought, "heLL no, i'm not putting my face in that"
But there were only 2 girls on each team, and they had to participate. I (incredibly) reluctantly slid down the tarp, ran, etc, etc. But the first time my face touched that whipped cream, I just went crazy. It was like something was unleashed, and I was half buried in that sucker, gulping and spitting. I finished with a rush of adreneline. Perhaps this 'dirty' theme wasn't so bad after all.

The comes Jello wrestling - in which we asians got our asses kicked by big (and i mean, biG) white guys. they tied your ankles together, stand you in a kiddie pool of red cherry jello and first one down loses. Damn, the yelling and screaming and hooting only prove to me that no matter hoW advanced we've gotten, we are all just barbarians underneath.

sexual pancake - 6 members, pink and blue butter, syrup, jelly, and the dirtiest positions you can get the group in. Points for messiness and sexiness. You can let your imagination wander as in what positions there were. The judge seemed to be enjoying himself thoroughly.
I walked by Team 4 (an absa team), and Sarah had Emily straddled across her face whiLe standing up... damn, guys.

storming normandy - Team A storms the field and hides under tarp covered tables, trying to throw 2 rocks (per person) into a cooler that lies in front of enemy lines, in which Team B is armed with water balloons and egg yolks (don't ask). Those who get hit are out; teams switch and those with most rocks in cooler wins. Water and yellow good splash both sides, and we all leave just a little more sticky than before. We actually win this round

Banana.. peeling.. and eating.. - Banana between legs, people take turns taking it to the other side with the banana clinched between their thighs. Oh. and there's a, uh, contraceptive on it. Team mates take turns peeling off the .. rubber covering.. and peeling the banana, then eating it.
Props to timMY (i think?) for diving between Joe's legs and going at that banana like a starved animal. Joe yelled encouragement the whole time...which worries me..

human sundae - This, must be described in detail.
First I'd like to say, daMN Joe is dirty and gets waY into these games. He spreads himself like a centerfold on a picnic table, in anticipation of the whipped cream, chocolate syrup, cherries, nuts and choco chips that are about to be slathered on his body. Points for creativity and .. dirtyness (both definitions). )Now that he says he's gonna read this, i must add that it was all in good fun and none of us are really thaT bad.)
Joe begins hooting and moaning, and Tim's face once again finds Joe's .. banana area. Shanna and i are the only girls, and she doesn't seem too into the dirty thing, and i figure, hell we're gonna win somEthing at this damn olympic event. I straddle on top and help with the smearing, TC (ha haha - aren't you glad I wrote this) goes spread eagle and cradles Joe's head in his lap. I would like to say that TC later admitted to enjoying the sensation greatly.
Shanna and jerry pour on the whipped cream and syrup. The judge is watching the process too, so joe screams and moans like there's no tomorrow as we smear stuff on him. Alas, the judge doesn't seem to be giving us enough attention, so jerry crouches behind tim's .. rear... Jerry does some spraying motion thing with the whipped cream and I start smearing the chocolate and loudly (so they say) asking Joe who his bitch is.
The judge's head snaps.
By now we are drenched in chocolate and whipped cream, and the grinding and smearing seems to be earning us points. She looks surprised, then disgusted, then basically tells us we win, natch.

It's about timE we start winning..

Next is twister, only you get to throw flour and confetti eggs and water balloons at the opposing team's representative. The three players come out of that completely covered in flour, the pink and blue butter, syrup, and jello from earlier events turning their bodies into quite a pretty sight. We all try to rinse off, but the water only makes us colder. It was cloudy and windy, and we all shivered and took turns throwing the remaining ammo from past events at each other.
The top four teams compete in tug of war to place, and our team actually gets 5th. Not bad, I guess. So we didn't reaLLy win anything.
But all in all, it was quite an interesting way to spend a Sunday.

posted by Steph at 1:22 PM 0 comments

aRGHH!!! I went to sleep at 4 and woke up and 8:30. at this rate, i'm going to DiE soon.

posted by Steph at 7:41 AM 0 comments

Saturday, October 19, 2002

I've had 8 hours of sleep in the past 48. Camping was interesting. The car rides to and back were fun. g'night.

posted by Steph at 9:16 AM 0 comments

Friday, October 18, 2002

Jeff's Profile:
hey steph... set

Wow. I'm slowly getting everyone addicted to the SET game. YAY!
Jeff came over yesterday for lunch, and missed the first part of his class because we kept playing (on his insistence). He claims he'll visit me more often now. ha ha. thanks jeff.
I had planned to go to juggling club yesterday night, because I wanted to play the game but somehow started talking to someone online to a friend's friend's roomate, and ended up there somehow playing until 1:30 am. It's such a great game!
Yeah.... I'm a Nerd. Oh Well.
Oh. I went to the Marketing passion panel for BA101, where people talk about their jobs and tell you why you should major in marketing, or finance, or accounting, etc. The Finance presentation was long and boring as hell. I chose marketing. As soon as I saw the presentation for it, I knew it was a bad idea. Every girl that talked in the video clip they made sounded like a ditz. They were either not very bright or tried really hard to repress any intelligence they had in a (failed) attempt to appear more friendly and approachable. And, as the guy sitting next to me so helpfully pointed out, one out of the 5 girls that appeared wore a bra.
I walk into the room for the panel on marketing, looked around, and inwardedly groan. A small auditorium packed with shrill, giggly girls. GooDY.
I felt like I was on another planet. Their voices were 2 octaves higher, cup sizes 2 times bigger, and IQ 40 points lower. I am not exaggerating.
The accounting people from last week's panel may have been a biT uninteresting, but they were nice and friendly and smarT. shit i am such a snob. Sorry... but you had to be in this room to understand what I was talking about.
I did learn a lot of stuff though, even though I realize marketing is not the major for me (I'd commit suicide or homicide working with those people....).
eh. I wish I knew what to major in.
ABSA Camping trip in an hour. It's cloudier than ever and looks like rain. (why do people say that? why not 'It looks like it wiLL rain?') But lots of people going, so it'll be fun. Gotta go pack now.

posted by Steph at 1:06 PM 0 comments

Thursday, October 17, 2002

I want to go to juggling club. But Devin's already there and I can't walk down the drag by myself at night...

posted by Steph at 5:59 PM 0 comments

I have a horrible confession to make.
I went clubbing once. To make it even worse, I went with a big (and I mean big) group of asian people. I remember shaking my head as we crammed 25 people in the elevator, thinking I would never be more aZn than I was at that moment. And when the doors opened on the first floor, this big group of preppy white people stared at us ghetto asian people and started laughing when they realized how many of us were in there.
It was horrible.
I began walking rapidly ahead of the group so I wouldn't look like I was with them... like that helped. I mean, seriously, I thought,
'I spent all high school saying how I was noT to be stereotypical (when to some extent we all are, really) and here I am. I pray to god I don't bump into someone I know.'
I began scrambling down the steps even faster. But when I turned around and looked up and see 25+ black haired, dressed up, skinny people coming down at me all at once, I must admit, damN it was a scary sight. Anyways, this was awhile ago.
But sometimes I'll see some of these guys in the hall way, and I swear to God at least 3 of them look the same, but I just wave and smile and make small talk and walk away wondering who the heck that was.
I just got off the elevator and talked to some Azn boi (ok, enough of the stereotyping.. i'll stop..) and for the life of me I couldn't remember his name. He was the third person from that group of people I talked to today that told me they were having another 'clubbing thing' tonight and asked if I wanted to go. (Which means that they try to get as many girls as possible to prevent a sausage fest)
There may be a 68% female population in UT, but noT among the AZN (oops.. there I go again) clubbing community, it seems. That one time I went, it was like 3 guys trying to feel on (er, I mean, dance with) 1 girl at a time. Plus the smoke, the 24 hour period of deafness afterwards, the 10 dollar cover charge, just wasn't really worth it. One time for experience is good. Maybe occasionally when I'm bored. But on a Thursday night?? Get a life, people.
What was the point of this again? Oh yeah. You know how you get to a point where you've 'known' a person for a month and can't ask for their name anymore without looking like a total idiot? Yeah, it seems like I'm in that situation aLL the time.
I wish everyone wore nametags.
I'd hate to say it, but damN, asian people really do look similar. I really can't tell the guys apart. They aLL have spiky hair. Maybe that's why (even though soME of you call me a lesbian) I chopped my hair off. EverY Chinese girl has long straight hair.
I wanna be diFFerent! I wanna be special!
But all this does is make me realize how i'm noT. waHHHHHHH!

posted by Steph at 12:12 PM 0 comments

oH. and then I check my mail and I get this stupid " Demona, Small Manhood? We can help! "
I HATE this goddang junk mail crAP I keep getting...

posted by Steph at 8:46 AM 0 comments

~_; WAHHHHHHH! I got a B on my Philosophy Midterm! One more question and I woulda had an A....
Well, just took a Roman Civilization test. Didn't feel that great about that one either. Sigh. I need to study more. @#$%^*& !@^$*&^#$ !!!!
Someone make me feel better.....

posted by Steph at 8:45 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Find your soul type

Virtues: You appreciate humor like none other. Puns might even spark laughter in you (TEHY R FUNNI). You seek adventure and connection with your surroundings. You seek friends who will not only share laughs with you but actually form a deep bond of trust and empathy beneath the surface. You look for adventure and courage in people, and variation is necessary to keep you under control. You see yourself as multi-faceted, so you need people who can see you in your many lights. You're constantly trying to figure yourself out while analyzing the people around you. Silly, silly people.

Aspirations: You can't decide what you want to be yet, but you know you want it to be adventures and interesting, with constant changes. You don't know what love will do for you yet, but it's competing with adventure for a place in your heart. An internal conflict has begun: can you be a successful worker, lover, and parent all at once?

Quirks: Noise of any sort is irritating when you're in the mood. Smacking gum, loud chewing, humming- it's about as pleasing as bodily noises. You dislike emaciated people because of jealousy and just plain disgust. You're a procrastinator but a hard worker, too.

Factors: You need constant attention and support. You're high-maintnence, but a great, reliable friend. Nature needs you and you need nature; it's helped thus far, so keep in touch with the outside world.

Future: Who knows! You absolutely need constant change, so vacationing is surely in the cards. Will you settle down or not? Love will find you eventually, as it does to everyone. Will you choose the sweet home life or the rewarding busy-bee life?

wow. that is pretty much me.

posted by Steph at 11:12 PM 0 comments

Monday, October 14, 2002

i have a midterm (30% of grade) Wednesday
Test (20%) Thursday
should i study or watch smallville on tuesday?

D Y W 21: info...quite funny
D Y W 21: and what dumb question to ask ;-) smallville
D Y W 21: you see.....
D Y W 21: if you keep studying, ur Marginal productivity will just keep decreasing (eco :-))
D Y W 21: work super hard and be extrinsically motivated (psych)....
D Y W 21: give yourself some incentive to get stuff done and then reward hard work with smallville....its morally right (philosophy, its a stretch I know)
D Y W 21: watch and enjoy for an hour...
D Y W 21: then work super hard after your break
D Y W 21: ur Marginal productivity will go up, because of the break....
D Y W 21: like a worker that has gotten a good night's sleep with more energy to work the next day...smallville will energize you
D Y W 21: heh
D Y W 21: so....
D Y W 21: in conclusion

ha ha ha ha. Daniel, you are too funny.

posted by Steph at 11:30 PM 0 comments

Sunday, October 13, 2002

from Christine's bloG
steph: yo. wussup mah nigga'
steph: hows it be hangin'
steph: aw i see how it is
steph: you gonna diss a brotha like that, huh?
steph: thas coo, not like i really wanted to talk to yo ass anyway
steph: i be hitting the sack now, k? keep it coo, yo.


(I don't really talk like that, by the way....)

posted by Steph at 10:15 PM 0 comments

I strolled outside of Dobie today in short sleeves and capris. As soon as the 60 degree air hit me, I cussed and ran back upstairs. I walked past the front desk this time in a sweater and jeans, and the RA laughed at me.
I like cold weather though. I hope this cold front stays for awhile.

posted by Steph at 9:10 PM 0 comments

Saturday, October 12, 2002

yay. silence. goodnight.

posted by Steph at 12:26 AM 0 comments

Wow. There's 2 security guards and an RA down there. It seems no one's answering the door. I wanna stay down there and see what happens.

posted by Steph at 12:22 AM 0 comments

That's it. It's been 25 minutes. I need my beauty sleep dammit. I'm going down.

posted by Steph at 12:19 AM 0 comments

Is it just me or is this music getting louDER?! Everytime the music pauses for 5 seconds I pray that they're gonna stop now. But then the pounding ensues and I just wanna rip my hair out.
Better yet, their hair.

posted by Steph at 12:14 AM 0 comments

I lie down in my nice bed, pull the soft covers around me and get all comfy, and just as my head touches the pillow I start to hear some kind of pounding. I strain my ears, thinking maybe I'm just hearing things.
I have to get up at 7:30 tomorrow (that's incredibly early for me) on a SAturday for some ABSA volunteering thing and some MORON decides to blast their bass loud enough so everyone within a half mile radius can enjoy their music.
I cram ear plugs into my ears, but I can still feel my freakin' bed vibrating.
I wearily open the door and ask Mel (suitemate), who's watching TV, if she hears it. I go into their room, but don't hear anything. It's just mine. So I go outside, and press my ear against my neighbors' doors.
I run upstairs to the room above mine.
Then to 811, the floor below mine. They have their stereo cranked up to 100 decibels; their damn door is shaking it's so loud. I rap furiously on the door; no one answers. I go back upstairs and Mel tells me to this happened a lot last year, and to call the front desk.
Well, I called 15 minutes ago. And if nothing happens in the next 15, I'm gonna get really nasty. I don't care if it is Friday night, I shouldn't be able to feel my bed shake.
I mean, Friday, college kids, loud music, whoo party, blah blah, I do it too, but this is ridiculous. *grumble*
I'm cranky.

posted by Steph at 12:11 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 09, 2002


boy. I've been writing a lot about Christy lately.
I need a life.
*cringes as Christy hits me*

posted by Steph at 6:18 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Christy would like everyone to know she is not happy with me for putting that up.
She threatened to choKe me!
ha ha ha. who cares. it was worth it.

posted by Steph at 8:57 PM 0 comments

My Roomate.
Christy Wang.
Took 5 hours of extra Music classes this semester 'just because'
Wants to drop out of Bio Medical Engineering Honors to major in Music.. and then go to med school.
Reads biographies of piano players.
Checked out 2 tapes from the library this weekend:
The Art of Piano. ( A two part series, she informs me )
Spent 3 hours playing piano today and will now have to stay up till 4 to finish her homework.
I walk in the room.
And what is she doing?
Not studying. She is reading.
Reflections from a Keyboard
Other girls have desktops of Brad Pitt.
She has a desktop collage of Glen Gould.
A piAnO player.

posted by Steph at 8:51 PM 0 comments

Monday, October 07, 2002

posted by Steph at 10:37 PM 0 comments

"President Bush today said that after the war with Iraq, he would help rebuild its economy. It's amazing. He finally comes up with an economic plan, and it's for Iraq"
~Jay Leno

posted by Steph at 8:43 PM 0 comments

I am panicking.
I have a 'one minute ad' presentation due for BA 101 tomorrow, in which I have to pretend to present myself to some company I have researched and tell them why I would be good for the job, etc. Basically sell myself.
So I go online to look for some company I could be interested in. But then I realize, I don't even know what major I want to go into, let alone any companies I'd want to work at. So I look up accounting, marketing, finance, etc. It's been 2 hours and I still don't know what the hell I want to do!! What am I gonna do with my life? If I can't find a my interests and talk about it for one minute, how am I going to plan the rest of my life?! What job should I go for? What major? What fields am I really interested in, exactly?!
Reading finance and accouting bored the heck outta me, but they are great programs at UT, and they make so much more money. Marketing and international business sound interesting, but they don't pay as much and aren't stable; I learned this weekend that during a economic slump like the one we have now, those are the first to go. What am I gonna do?! I need to plan my major now so I can plan ahead with my life!! AHHH. I wanna be a photographer and an interior decorator and a teacher and own my own business and do advertising, but I wanna make money too. I can't with the aforementioned careers. AHHHHHHHhh. I HAVE NO FUTURE!!!

posted by Steph at 6:15 PM 0 comments

posted by Steph at 2:45 PM 0 comments

posted by Steph at 2:30 PM 0 comments

You are Tracer Bullet!
You've got eight slugs in you. One's lead, and the rest are bourbon. The drink packs a wallop, and you pack a revolver. You're a private eye.
Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by!

posted by Steph at 2:12 PM 0 comments

Saturday, October 05, 2002

I am an alpha!
Are you an alpha, beta, or gamma girl?

ha ha ha ha ha ha

posted by Steph at 3:18 PM 0 comments

i bought a grey suit. i need closed toe shoes. i watched armageddon. i have to study tomorrow. i got to go to a car wash tomorrow. i am sleepy.

posted by Steph at 12:05 AM 0 comments

Thursday, October 03, 2002

I love how my BA class gets out 30-45 minutes early every week.

posted by Steph at 12:58 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Once upon a time, there was a fairy tale princess.
The fairy tale princess was a not very happy. Her father was a alcholic whose advisors plotted against him by night and her mother was a ditz chosen for for her (now fading) beauty to breed. There were also rumors of the queen having an affair with the fat cook. Whether the queen's waist was thickening from the child or concoctions of the cook was anyone's guess. Besides, the king was too drunk to notice anyways, so no one paid much attention. There were two older brothers who tried to poison and smother and stab each other for control of the throne. That's really typical and expected, so no one cares what their names are either.
Anyways, back the fairy tale princess. Her name was Lisette. She was a strange little girl. Her dumb, buxom, shallow mother had dyed her hair the 'color of spun gold' to make her more fairy tale princess-ish, and made her wear pink frocks and ribbons in her hair. After the mother's affair started, no one dyed the girl's hair anymore, and now her black roots showed and her pink frock was smeared with dirt. One day she was out in the stables slapping the boxed in horses and comtemplating slashing her wrists with a pretty, shiny piece of metal she found, when a little man appeared out of no where.
"I will spin all those bales of hay into gold if you give me your child"
Lisette stared at the little man, then at the pretty, shiny piece of metal in her hand, and stabbed him with it in the eye.
Later, when the stable master found the little man howling and cursing, with blood all over the haystacks, he asked Lisette why she stabbed him in the eye. She said, "His eye was the softest thing on his head." The next day, the little man was gone and rumor had it that the king had destroyed all evidence that showed that his little girl was anything but normal. The whole family smiled and pretended nothing happened.
When they got home, however, Lisette's father threw gin bottles at her, but since he was inebriated, he missed most of the time, so Lisette was unharmed. Her mother tried to tell her what she did was very unladylike, but Lisette shouted that she was a 'hypocritical obese wh*re' and ran out of the room. She ran into her brothers on the way out, and thought that brother 1 would probably choke her until she was unconcious like usual, but brother 2 nudged brother 1 and shook his head, and instead they ran off with a scared look on their face.
Lisette grinned. For the first time, she was happy. She wandered through the castle, grinning, and finally reached the edge of their gardens where a small path led into the deep, dark, woods. Lisette skipped along, kicking rabbits and squirrels out of her way. She came to a small clearing where a group of small huts stood. She torced the huts made of straw and sticks, disdainfully cursing the stupidity of the owners and smiling as the squeals and yelps that came from inside segued into the much more pleasant sounds of sizzling bacon. There would be dinner later.
She stopped in front of the brick house, scoffed, filled her apron with decomposing pig manure from the little pig's own back yard, tied a knot, soaked the knot with gasoline, and lit it with a twig from the burning house of sticks. The fertilizer bomb exploded, trapping the third pig inside under a mountain of bricks.
And so she went through the neighborhood, with tear gas grenades and her M249 light machine gun, torching huts, spraying bullets, and enslaving any survivors.
She surveyed her prisoners: A little old lady and a group of children stood with their hands up outside a foul-smelling, burning leather shoe, an ugly, pug-nosed little girl with a red cape and a cross-dressing wolf, five (2 were caught by some random bullets) perverted old men with their 20 year old 'maid', 2 bears (Lisette had shot the little one for crying), and some others. Suddenly, looking at all the destruction she had caused, the other stupid fairy tale characters covered with ash, and the control she had over them, Lisette had an epiphany. She set up a cocaine factory, with the children growing the coco plants and the other characters as her workers, and became one of the biggest drug dealers in the kingdom. She bought the loyalty of her father's subjects, lead a coalition against him, stormed the castle, killed her family, and sat on the throne for the rest of her days, over seeing what eventually became one of the largest drug cartels in the country side.
The moral of this story is, don't read stories that start with once upon a time, because they're a waste of time and usually full of crap.

posted by Steph at 5:21 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

You know you're addicted to the internet when your cable stops working for 5 minutes and you freak out and unplug and replug everything and go through trouble shoot and triple try all their suggestions and breathe in shorter pants and keep trying to sign on AIM and panic more when it doesn't connect and turn off your computer and it feels like you're shut off from the entire world and when IM finally goes from 'connecting' to 'verifying user password', you feel a rush and life is good again.

posted by Steph at 10:38 PM 0 comments