Thursday, October 17, 2002

I have a horrible confession to make.
I went clubbing once. To make it even worse, I went with a big (and I mean big) group of asian people. I remember shaking my head as we crammed 25 people in the elevator, thinking I would never be more aZn than I was at that moment. And when the doors opened on the first floor, this big group of preppy white people stared at us ghetto asian people and started laughing when they realized how many of us were in there.
It was horrible.
I began walking rapidly ahead of the group so I wouldn't look like I was with them... like that helped. I mean, seriously, I thought,
'I spent all high school saying how I was noT to be stereotypical (when to some extent we all are, really) and here I am. I pray to god I don't bump into someone I know.'
I began scrambling down the steps even faster. But when I turned around and looked up and see 25+ black haired, dressed up, skinny people coming down at me all at once, I must admit, damN it was a scary sight. Anyways, this was awhile ago.
But sometimes I'll see some of these guys in the hall way, and I swear to God at least 3 of them look the same, but I just wave and smile and make small talk and walk away wondering who the heck that was.
I just got off the elevator and talked to some Azn boi (ok, enough of the stereotyping.. i'll stop..) and for the life of me I couldn't remember his name. He was the third person from that group of people I talked to today that told me they were having another 'clubbing thing' tonight and asked if I wanted to go. (Which means that they try to get as many girls as possible to prevent a sausage fest)
There may be a 68% female population in UT, but noT among the AZN (oops.. there I go again) clubbing community, it seems. That one time I went, it was like 3 guys trying to feel on (er, I mean, dance with) 1 girl at a time. Plus the smoke, the 24 hour period of deafness afterwards, the 10 dollar cover charge, just wasn't really worth it. One time for experience is good. Maybe occasionally when I'm bored. But on a Thursday night?? Get a life, people.
What was the point of this again? Oh yeah. You know how you get to a point where you've 'known' a person for a month and can't ask for their name anymore without looking like a total idiot? Yeah, it seems like I'm in that situation aLL the time.
I wish everyone wore nametags.
I'd hate to say it, but damN, asian people really do look similar. I really can't tell the guys apart. They aLL have spiky hair. Maybe that's why (even though soME of you call me a lesbian) I chopped my hair off. EverY Chinese girl has long straight hair.
I wanna be diFFerent! I wanna be special!
But all this does is make me realize how i'm noT. waHHHHHHH!

posted by Steph at 12:12 PM


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