Friday, July 30, 2004

I had two weird dreams in a row.

Last night I dreamt I was eating, and afterwards when I brushed my teeth, I noticed they were all very yellow and stained. I was disgusted, and tried to brush harder, only to see that a lot of my teeth were loose as well. Before I could stop myself, I had acidentally brushed my front tooth loose and it fell out. I was mortified. Then one by one the other grew more and more loose. I remember thinking in the dream that they would never grow back and I'd have to get veneers. It was a horrible dream.

The night before I dreamed that I was visiting some friend's friends' apartment, and they had a little white dog. It was the cutest, smartest little terrier, and I kept playing with it. About 10-15 people ended up staying over at the apartment, but in the middle of the night I heard barking and screaming, and it turns out the dog went psychotic and was ripping apart some of the guests. You wouldn't think something so small could be so dangerous, but it was vicious. And since he was so smart, he knew to go for the throat while the person was sleeping or their thighs. I tried to beat it with something once I saw several people lying on the ground bleeding, but he tore at my wrists which started bleeding profusely. It was not a nice dream.

posted by Steph at 10:04 AM 0 comments

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Two more weeks of work.
Just two more weeks.

Something I remembered from a long time ago while driving home from Austin today:

Eye Yam Sofa King Wee Todd Did.

say it to someone fast.

posted by Steph at 6:12 PM 1 comments

Monday, July 19, 2004

Take the Test.

Read the Profile.
If you click on the heart at the bottom of your profile it gives a nice summary.
Guess what I am.

posted by Steph at 7:20 PM 4 comments

I'm stuck in a rut.

I don't really want to do anything, see anyone, go anywhere.
I just go from work to home to work to home to work to home.
While I'm learning things, it's more of a compilation of little things - I miss the profound realizations that occured more often before this summer started.  The last few years have been so packed with epiphanies that now, in comparison, everything's just boring. 
Life is getting boring.
Someone strike up an interesting conversation and pull me out of this rut.

posted by Steph at 5:10 PM 2 comments

Saturday, July 17, 2004

It's Saturday and I'm at my 10 year old cousin's house.  Our mommies are out grocery shopping, and I'm babysitting. By babysitting I mean sitting there bored while she does her Kumon math homework, her Chinese homework, practice violin and piano.  She just sits there dutifully doing one task after another.  Yeesh.
I remember being her age.  There's no way I would've been such a good girl and done all that if my parents weren't home.  Oh well.  Kids these days.   I remember having to do the math, and the Chinese, and the violin and the piano and the dance classes and art classes.  I guess it wasn't a bad thing; it's not like kids have better stuff to do with their time.  Better than watching TV, anyways.  Looks like I'll be inflicting the same educational torture upon my kids.
Now she's playing Andrea Boticelli's Time to Say Goodbye on the violin.  This kid reads at a higher level than the average american high school student.  Of couse, that doesn't say much, but still. So impressive.
She had come upstairs earlier just as I was starting to blog and I told her she had to be dreaming if she thought 10 minutes on the violin was long enough, so she went back downstairs to play more.  I can't believe she listens to me - she used to be this incredibly contrary little girl, spoiled to no end. 
I've been gone 2 years in college, and every time I come back everyone in my family is exactly the same.  But my cousins, 10 and 11, are different every time. It's funny how fast and how much kids grow.  Sometimes I miss my childhood.

She's done.  I'm going to play now.

posted by Steph at 10:54 AM 2 comments

Friday, July 16, 2004


Medicare changes policy on obesity.

I think they should work on preventing the problem in the first place instead of just fixing the symptoms.

Education and counseling I understand moderate Medicare funding, but I'm going to pay for stomach stapling now? It would cost a lot less of taxpayer's money to teach people to eat healthier than it would be to pay for liposuction and diabetes II treatments.

I hope everyone's saving up because there goes your social security.

posted by Steph at 11:27 AM 6 comments

Thursday, July 15, 2004

The past two days at work have been spent at different malls.  Yesterday was at the Woodlands, which has got the be one of the bestest malls I've been to in a long time.  I like it better than the Galleria.
Today we went to Memorial to competitive shop; which means to check out the competing stores for your division.  Being in the costume jewelry buying office, I went to Dillards, JCPenny, Express, etc. to check out their floorplans, caselines, prices and presentation of their jewelry.
Anyways, at one point a group of the interns met back up at Foley's, and I went with a co-worker to help him look at women's shoes (which was the poor guy's division).  We were having fun picking out stuff and commenting on the shoes when I notice the sales lady staring at me rudely.  I'd look up every now and then, and I'd see her glaring at me.
I couldn't figure out why until I noticed that the rest of the interns were gone and it was just the shoe guy and I shopping.  I thought maybe we were laughing too loud, but it still bugged me so I pointed the woman out to shoe guy.  He took one look at her and dragged me out the store laughing.
Apparently the sales lady (who is black) thought that my co-worker (who is black) and I (small and asian) were shopping together, and therefore must be dating.    I couldn't believe it.  She was shooting me dirty looks because of thaT?  I mean, I think the thought crossed my mind, but the fact that my co-worker said it first made me think twice.  He said it's happened before with his friends, and he was pretty sure we weren't being too loud. I was indignant for about 30 seconds, then got over it.
Then we talked about interracial dating and he said while he preferred his own race, he wan't close minded about it, and I agreed.  We both decided it'd be funny to go back and prance around the rude woman together but figured we wouldn't be able to keep a straight face and settled for mimicking her shocked and disgusted facial expressions instead.
My goodness.  I've never been discriminated against before...

posted by Steph at 7:41 PM 1 comments

Friday, July 09, 2004

Take this.

It's really interesting. It requires a little more thinking, but is a lot more accurate.

I want to know what people are. Be honest.

This is interesting too.

posted by Steph at 11:42 AM 5 comments

Thursday, July 08, 2004


All the negative campaigning is so pathetic.

Tell me what's good about you, not what's bad about the opponent.

If you value:

1) Your right to privacy
2) Your right to marry whom ever you please
3) Freedom of choice
4) Freedom to be proud of your religion without hearing Bush spout his ideals

For God's/Allah's/Buddha's sake VOTE.

I don't care if you're in Texas. Apathy and alleged futility are never excuses.

I'd like to see a president more concerned about doing right by the Constitution, instead of the Bible. You run the country, Bush. Let us run our lives.

posted by Steph at 11:42 AM 0 comments

slow day at work...

posted by Steph at 6:18 AM 2 comments

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Nothing is ever what it seems to be.

All my life, everything I had ever thought that would remain constant has not. Everything turns out the exact opposite of what I plan. It's like life it out mess with my head. As soon as a get comfortable with something, it changes.
So is there really a point in counting on things? Is there really any belief, any mindset, any one person you can ever really count on?
Everything keeps changing. I'm not sure of anything anymore. How funny. So far I can say only my parents will always be there. One day I hope I can count on more things and people. Until now, that's it. Maybe life will prove me wrong again.

posted by Steph at 8:41 PM 1 comments

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

A man was lying on his back looking up at the clouds when he decided to talk to God.

The man asked, "God, what is a million years?"

God answered, "In my frame of reference, a million years to you is like one minute to me."

The man then asked, "What about a million dollars?"

God explained, "A million dollars is like a single penny."

The man paused, then questioned, "Can I have a penny?"

God replied, "In a minute."

posted by Steph at 11:52 AM 1 comments

Things you'd love to say out loud at work

1. I can see your point, but I still think you're full of s**t.
2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.
3. How about never? Is never good for you?
4. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.
5. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way.
6. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
7. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.
10. Ahhh...I see the know-it-all fairy has visited us again.
11. I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.
13. I have plenty of talent and vision; I just don't give a &#!t;.
14. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
15. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you
16. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
21. You know the acronym behind your name won't keep me from kicking your a** in the parking lot.
28. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.
31. Can I trade this job for what's behind door #2?
32. Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
35. How do I set a laser printer to stun?
36. I thought I wanted a career; turns out I just wanted a salary.

I personally like #6

E-mails from bored co-workers are the highlight of my day...

posted by Steph at 9:16 AM 5 comments

Monday, July 05, 2004

Do people really accept you as the way you are? Why is it even if you did try to change yourself for the better, people don't like to let you? Can one really break out of people's predetermined stereotype of you?

Who are your friends and who are your acquaintances? Who can you really talk to without having to censor your thoughts? And even if you do, who really understands?

So many thoughts and feelings and so few people to talk to.

posted by Steph at 2:13 PM 3 comments