Monday, October 28, 2002

My fish died!!!
It was the smaller one; and honestly, I didn't think it would live long because it wasn't nearly as active as the older one, and wasn't smart/well enough to go after the food when I fed them. plus he barely moved his tail fin, and when he did, it was in a weird way...
but still...he was alive just awhile ago.....
I'm reading in my room and christy and alana were in the living room studying suddenly when they informed me that one of the fish had gotten stuck in the vent.... and I knew immediately what happened...
my heart wrenched with sorrow at the loss of pet, my companion, my confidante, and more importantly, my wittle friend!

Alana: "maybe he's resting?"
me: "no. he's dead.."
Alana: "sleeping?"
me: "no. he's dead."
Alana: "look! he's moving."
me: "no. that's just the sucking motion of the vent.. he's definitely dead."

Christy proposed a moment of silence and then I scooped his limp little body out of the water..
*sniff* why must everyone go away? no one stays with me....
Bye bye Enshoku (flowery orange in japanese.. cause he was white with pretty orange coloring) You will be missed.
I now need another fish now to keep my other fish company...he's so lonely swimming by himself. And honestly, he's not he only one...
wanna accompany me to Petco? I shall give you the honor of naming my new fish...

posted by Steph at 1:51 PM


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