Friday, October 25, 2002

Last night I went to sleep at 4:30 am. I woke up for my 9:30 class at 8:30 am, and felt like absolute crAP. I had been sleepy very little (for me - which means about avg 5 hours a night) lately, and my immune system must've broken down or something because I had the worst sore throart I've had in years, my head hurt, I couldn't breathe, I was absolutely exhausted.
I missed my first class since I've been at college. I really didn't want to, but I knew I wouldn't be able to listen in class anyways, and I really needed to feel better. I have a crappy next few days, with tests and projects and activities and I couldn't afford to get sick. So I just kept sleeping. Everytime I woke up I made myself go back to sleep. I really needed to recuperate.
I woke up at 3pm.
I felt incredibly guilty, but really good. Must be the replenished seratonin that I've lacking so badly lately.
Now I can't fall asleep. But I gotta try. I can't get into this vicious cycle of sleeping and waking up late.

posted by Steph at 12:49 AM


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