Friday, April 25, 2003

I really do like nutrition. I think everything I learned so far really is good to know.
We're learning about nutrition during pregnancy and lactation now, and I think every potential parent should take a class like that before they have a kid.
While I complain about going to class at 9 am, if it wasn't so early, I really would enjoy this class.
We did course evaluations today.
I was SO MAD at how rude some people were. The professor (who is a really good teacher) asked everyone to stay to do the course evaluation, and still about 1/5 of the class just got up and left. I don't know why I was so mad. I think I just felt she spent all this time, and made this very clear packet of all the slides, and was very patient with questions, and we as students should be grateful.
That's one thing I am glad my asian heritage and parents and chinese school teacher has instilled into me. I know it's stereotypical, but our culture really does stress Tiao4 Swen4 Lao3 Shr1 a lot. (respect of teacher) In Tiawan/China (in in Chinese Youth Camp) we greeted the teacher in unison as a class before class, and thanked him/her after wards. *sigh* ::shakes head::
Kids these days..
My kids will definitely know better.
How can this apathetic students just get up in leave in her face like that?
Anyways, I gave her almost a perfect score.
Please show your appreciation (or heck, dissatisfaction) by filling out your teacher evaluation sheets.

posted by Steph at 8:11 AM


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