Wednesday, April 23, 2003

I have registrations tomorrow.
I have been planning for months. I'm a dork like that.
I make this excel sheet and I make different sheets with different possibilities for the next two semesters.
I'm not a loser, I just like to plan ahead and make sure I make the best possible choice by considering all possible combinations of options.
So far, it looks like:
ACC311, MAN336, BA324, and with Sarah's recommendation, EDP 363. (don't ask)
I desperately needed a non-business class to maintain my sanity.
If my group gets the Brass Ring Internship thing, I figure that'll add another 5-7 hours to my schedule, so I only signed up for 12.
Plus with ABSA it'll be crazy.
I might take ballroom dance still. We'll see.

posted by Steph at 3:20 PM


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