Monday, August 26, 2002

I had a dream last night that I wanted to be a doctor. My grandma was really sick, and I kept asking someone all these different medical question on why she was sick, and they couldn't tell me everything because I had so much to ask. Then I had this really strong urge to becomea doctor and cure people. Huh. I dunno what that means....
sigh. I dunno. I know I'd be good at business and all, but am I really gonna benefit society? All these little things are making me... hesitant. For orientation, the Business School had little cheers. Our were: "Who are we? ... Business!... What do we do? .... Make money!" "Business pays" and "Business Business, Bling Bling!". I mean, I couldn't help but feel a liTTle heartless after that. and then christy was talking this morning about how even used books are so expensive, and how there used to be 3 campus bookstores, but the main one drove the other two outta business. I told her how sucky and greedy that was. Then we both shurgger and aggred reluctantly, "that's business, I guess." I mean, how many times have people said that? Do I really wanna do that? bleh. i'm all depressed now. I mean, i went into this major because this really is something I know I could be good at. I dunno.

posted by Steph at 7:06 AM


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