Saturday, August 24, 2002

Yeah. I can tell already I will be more fit just beINg in Austin. There are 27 floors on Dobie, apprx 40 people on each floor, and THREE FRIGGIN' elevators. I'm on the 9th floor; not too bad, but just enough to get your heart pumping. I've already gone up and down 4 times today, and we helped Jonathan move into Moore Hill; 3rd floor, nO elevator; so carried a few things up and down. At least Dobie's staircases are somewhat ventilated. The only solace I have in taking the stairs here is that I don't have to wait 20 minutes for elevators and I might have some defined calves by the end of the year. whoo. hoo.

I spent the past few hours with David, Jonathan, and Danny, and as much as you guys know I love you, daMN are they the epitome of engineer nerds. I mean, our lunch conversation consisted of computers, math, and science. Here I am, using mY computer for instant messaging, e-mail and blogs, and not taking a single math or science course, and that's all they talk about. But no, I'm not bitter. I don't feel left out. So now I'm back in my dorm room again. Where the hell are the normal people to hang out with?!

posted by Steph at 1:54 PM


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