Tuesday, September 03, 2002

yeah. so i get up this morning at 9:20. Class starts at 9:30 and it at least a 10 minute walk. I briefly consider going back to sleep. But then my conscience, prudence, goody-goodyness, whatever you wanna call it, gets the better of me and I grunt obscenities, throw on clothes, grab notebook and backpack and scurry out.
I get to the damn WCH building, since my classroom is WCH 1.211, and walk from the 2nd floor to the first floor. I'm 1 minute late. And for soME freakING reason, my classroom isn't IN the building. I see fliers posted on the walls that say: 'If you are in WCH 1.211, you are in the building acroSs from the Welch building across International Street.' WHAt the heLL is International Street?!? Why isn't the classroom WCH 1.211 in the sAME building as WCH 1.210?!?
I am now 5 minutes late.
I circled the building twice, walk down the 1st floor hallway of WCH lecture rooms 3 times, Go through utility rooms that exit signs pointed to and up and down different staircases at leaST 6 times and finaLLy find the International Street that is NOT on my orientation for stupid freshmen booklet that I have now pulled out and (damn my pride) am frantically trying to decipher while trying to walk at the same time.
Anyways, I get to class 15 minutes late, and am able to furiously scribble down the first page of notes before the profressor scrolls down.
Sigh. Screw the fact I felt sO disgusting from lack of washing hair and face and brushing teeth and was grumpy from lack of breakfast and was the last one in the class and felt stupid and didn't have a seat and sat at the top of the stairs and the corner of the door I leaned against painfully ingrained a foot-long, inch-deep groove into my already bony back. I didn't miss any notes!
if i ever find out who's bright idea it was to have the WCH 1.211 class room in building NOT CALLED WCH, I will have to make sure that person knows how disgruntled i am.

posted by Steph at 9:33 AM


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