Friday, December 06, 2002

ABSA is over for this semester..
EOS (end of semester) banquet was really nice.. we really have great officers .. activities, everything. I don't think I've ever enjoyed being in a club so much.
So my slide show f*cked up. The first laptop wouldn't even play the music, which freaked me out. The second lap top ran the presentation slower than the music, and when I saw the typed words come up so damn slow, I about killed myself. I know everyone thought it was no big deal, etc, but stil...
I feel so stupid spending all that extra time using a damn watch to time the slides with the music. stupid stupid stupid. I am a moron. OCD and perfectionism do noT pay off.
I don't know why that bugged me so much, that the timing was so off. It was really nice of everyone who still told me the slide show was good and all, but that wasn't it.
I know no one would've noticed a difference.. I was more disappointed at myself than at the fact people thought I messed up. I guess no one really got that. Thanks anyways, guys ~ rebecca, ansar, chris, tc, roger, john, christina, susan, shanna, joe, daniel. people who tried to cheer me up, even out of pity. hehe.
My dove chocolate promise said "love is like a flower, friendship is like a sheltering tree" or something like that..
thanks for being my tree, guys!

Well, rebecca, ansar, chris and I are going to stay dressed up and do something classy and grown up now. hahaha . We don't know what, but It'll be fun! More on banquet tomorrow. I need to de-stress~

posted by Steph at 8:41 PM


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