Sunday, December 22, 2002

Holy~ I have never shopped for this long in my life, I don't think.
I met Jeff at West Oaks Mall at 12:30, and I just now got home. We went to First Colony also, Walmart, Sweet Tomato and Toys R Us.
My feet are now starting to throb a bit.
But I got a lot of shopping done; it was the most efficient I've ever been, actually. As soon as Jeff saw my eyes wandering to clothes and shoes, he'd block the store and we'd go on. It was like the opposite of shopping with Joe. I still spent money, but at least not on myself.
I felt kinda guilty bringing home all these packages, but at least I'm supporting the economy, right? Right.
We went to 5 different places and couldn't find Legolas posters. Surprisingly(?) Jeff likes him too. hahaha. Of course, Jeff only wants to be like him so he can get the girls. He doesn't like Legolas in the way I do, I don't think. ^_^ Out of all those Lord of the Ring poster bins at Spencer's only the ones with Legolas in them were empty... I wonder why... it was quite distressing.
I don't want presents this year. There is nothing I lack, and what I'd really appreciate the most are long, thoughtful cards from friends. After trying to figure out from everyone who planned to get gifts and who didn't, I just got tired of it all and finally gave up. I don't believe in buying something for the sake of reciprocity. There's really no thought in that.
So today, I just got stuff for people for whom I happen to see things for. I hate how now adays people feel guilty about buygin gifts, like they have to buy something 'just in case' so the other person's feelings get hurt. That sucks so much. So. Anyways, cards are nice.
It's been a long day. Fun, but long. The malls are ridiculously crowded (every time I walked I felt like my swinging bags would decapitate a nearby toddler), and traffic was horrible, but it was nice to have the company of one sister (Jeff is adopted) to replace the one that DITched me. Hahaha. Just kidding, Christine. and Thanks, Jeff.
I'm going to get a massage now.

posted by Steph at 5:33 PM


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