Friday, December 20, 2002

I had zucchiNI bread today. It was very good! Tasted kinda like banana nut bread.
It is getting cold again. For some reason I don't feel very Christmasy at all.. which is horrible. What can I do??
I keep having this weird sleeping schedule. Sleep at 4 am, wake up around 12. That's not enough sleep, so the next night I sleep at 11 pm, wake up around 12. Then that's too much, so I can't sleep till 4 am the next day, and the cycle repeats.

The mouse trap doesn't work. The mice at all the cheese, but no one got caught in the cage!! aRGHH! So I'm basically just ensuring their suvival now by feeding them. Wonderful. I have new pets. Maybe I really shoulD get one of those trap kinds that snap down.. that's so gross though.
*sniff sniff* *chew* *SNAP!!* *SQEEAK!! EEK!! SQEEEEK!!* *bones crunch blood spatters*
Mouse bones go crunch crunch.
yummy they are roasted over fire. Maybe if I catch enough, I can make shish kabobs!
hahaha. just kidding. I know that is very gross.

posted by Steph at 10:31 PM


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