Wednesday, December 11, 2002

I saw the albino squirrel!!!
There's some legend/myth/superstition about seeing some albino squirrel on UT campus and getting all A's for the semester, and I SAW it on the way back from my Eco test today!.
Ok, so it was a life-sized paper one someone stuck on a tree. Still, it counts, right?? righT??
Anyways, took my first college final exam today. Actually, it doesn't even really count as an exam. It was non cumulative, same format and length as the first 2 tests we had this semester, so I was lucky. He doesn't post grades until everyone's done taking it, so I won't know until Sunday or Monday. I'd like to say I think I did ok, but now since I said that I'll probably make an 89 for the semester or something. argh...
Philosophy test tomorrow. I reaLLy need to study for that. So that'll be all day today.
After I take a nap.

posted by Steph at 8:03 AM


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