Friday, December 27, 2002

I woke up this morning feeling like craP.
My head hurt, my throat hurt, I was stuffy, and just now I let out 3 successive sneezes in a row.
Usually, this is ok, because I'm at home anyways, but I had gotten tickets to the Nutcracker ballet thing, and I had to go. I mean, I wanted to, just I wish I wasn't feeling crappy. It was really good. Maybe when I'm in a better mood I'll talk about it.
Then I ate sushi, which was probably a bad idea, but I was in the area and I really really like it. The food was really good too, and maybe when I'm in a better mood I'll talk about it.
I felt like crap the whole way home, and I puked up a little green (avacado from the caterpillar rolls we ordered) and pink (salmon sashimi - not as good coming up and going down).
My head now really really hurts and I am sneezing a lot. And my throat hurts too. I feel really cold but hot at the same time. **cough cough** *sneeze* wah I don't feel good.

posted by Steph at 5:02 PM


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