Tuesday, December 24, 2002

It is Christmas Eve.
And once again, it is rainy and grey and cold.
For some reason I can't get half the Christmas lights to work. no big family party this year. But yummy yummy food. Christine and I are wrapping presents (for each other and parents) in the same room right before we exchange.

We exchanged. It was fun. I actually got useful things from wei wei (christine). pretty hair clips (so I'll stop stealing hers) blue butterfly picture frame (i seem to have a blue butterfly theme going on in my dorm room) and big cushiony headphones (no more christy's music! YAY~ I can listen to my stuff again! The ones I have now hurt my ears).
thank you! And I'm going to put Cindy's Legolas poster up on my wall. my first poster of a guy. whoO hoo. Thanks cindy!
If anyone can find a poster of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, he can be for my Alpha male days. For those to whom I have explained the Alpha/Beta male theory.. you know what I mean. For those whom I haven't, I guess I should explain that:
Basically, Girls have estrogen peaks, depending on what time of the month. Estrogen highs usually come during ovulation and right before pms. Studies have shown that women are more attracted to the testosterone-pumped, masculine Alpha males (like hunky wolverine) - during these estrogen highs because they are at their most fertile and looking for a sexual partner. During the other 3 weeks, females are attracted to the Beta males like Legolas; more boyish face, cute yet not as rough and rugged. These Beta males are more of the reliable type.
Research on birds, said to be some of the most monogamous animals, shows that this really is true. 10 percent (quite a bit) of female birds do EPC (extra pair copulation), and it's usually those mated with birds of less masculine qualities (in a bird that might be a smaller ... tail). They actually go off and mate with Alpha males and then the Beta males raise the eggs. Basically: Alpha males = copulation. Beta males = raise baby. Yeah. real suckness, huh?
In real life terms, Beta guys are the ones you want to be a relationship with, Alpha males are the ones you want when you're on an estrogen high. Wolverine (hugh jackman - click hERe .. heLLo) is a definite Alpha male. He is pure ogle material. Legolas not as much, more of a beta, but when he has that bow and arrow.. sigH... he is definately upgraded ( hOT damN <-- click). Man those are some great pictures... I really have very few males that appeal to me so much.. but those two shall always have a place in my heart .. always... *sigh*
Ok. Enough of that.

Merry Christmas everyone!

posted by Steph at 5:15 PM


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