Why is it people feel they have the right to broadcast my weight and describe my physique like I'm not there just because I'm thin?
You wouldn't even consider doing this to someone who was overweight.
"Oh my goodness! You are SO much fatter than most people I know! Maybe you should eat less."
I mean, no one would do that.
So how is that any worse than "OMG! Why are you so skinny?? Do you eat enough?"
"Actually, I do, I just throw it up afterwards so it doesn't go straight to my thighs."
I mean, give me a break.
This afternoon, I asked Christy if she ever had those "oh, I'm so fat" moments girls are always stereotyped to have. She said she actually stiLL thought she was fat, which is ridiculous, because she's not, otherwise I never would have asked. I just did it to prove a point, which obviously didn't happen. The conversation quickly took off into another tangent.
I couldn't convince her she wasn't fat, so I just started agreeing with her and calling her a whale. She joked she was going to commit suicide, and I told her the best way would probably be starvation. hahaha. I thought it was funny.. besides, seriously, if I had any idea she remotely would take offense, I never would have said it. We joke around all the time.. but she got mad, and is now talking on the phone with some guy about how much I weigh.
Thanks a lot.
argh. I must've really offended Christy if she had to retaliATE by discussing how much skinnier I am than her cousin or something and playing 'guess her weight' with whoever the hell she's talking to on the phone. So I guess I am apoloGizing, because that's pretty damn mean. Joking about our weights amongts ourselves and discussing how freakishly stick-like I am with some guy is noT the same thing.
Geezus, you're not a whale, ok? I think it's stupid that you'd even consider that. A pretty, smart, NOT whale-ish girl in engineering honors should NOT freak about about being stupid and 'failing' her classes and being fat. @#*&^@#!@!%%#&*
Which brings me to another topic.
Every girl has some physical aspect about themselves they dislike. I'm too tall, too short, too big, too small, blah blah blah.
Do you think I LIKE being skinny?? Have you EVER shopped for clothes with me?? Swimsuits and just plain suits are impossible to find. I have to spend avg. 60 bucks in alterations for every dress and suit I buy. So screw you all who say "blah blah, you have nothing to complain about" and according to Christy "all girls hate you because you're skinny" then squeeze my forearm or wrist in disgust like I'm some kinda freak.
Would you squeeze some obese girl's thigh and go "man, that's huge!" ??
NO, I don't think so.
The whole "does this dress make me look fat" thing is just the cliche way to sum up every female's many many insecurities about how she looks. I mean, that's normal. Some biological thing makes us preen and primp, but holy crap has society gotten obsessed with looks. And it does noT help when guys (*cough* - you know who I'm referring to) are like "Damn.. that girl's hot.. look at those _________ !(insert body part here)"
I'm not gonna stop you from talking about this with your male friends, because god knows I couldn't anyways, but geez, do you have to do it in front of us? (Rebecca - you can relate...)
We don't nearLy discuss the looks of some guy half as much as I hear guys talk about in front of me. And even thEN, guys caN work out, while makeup will only enhance you so much.
So there.
I don't care, whether it's because you think of Rebecca as a guy (heh.. ) or me as a lesbian (which i'm noT), or because anY female is so used to hearing girls judged, we should not have to hear it so much.
We females are self-conscious and neurotic enough as it is.
Maybe I'm just biased. IM me with an agreement or rebuttal.
And one more thing.
I eat, ok? Actually, ask anyone who knows me well enough. i LOVE to eat. I am just smALL boned. I get it from my dad.
So bugGer off~ the whole lot of you.
You wouldn't even consider doing this to someone who was overweight.
"Oh my goodness! You are SO much fatter than most people I know! Maybe you should eat less."
I mean, no one would do that.
So how is that any worse than "OMG! Why are you so skinny?? Do you eat enough?"
"Actually, I do, I just throw it up afterwards so it doesn't go straight to my thighs."
I mean, give me a break.
This afternoon, I asked Christy if she ever had those "oh, I'm so fat" moments girls are always stereotyped to have. She said she actually stiLL thought she was fat, which is ridiculous, because she's not, otherwise I never would have asked. I just did it to prove a point, which obviously didn't happen. The conversation quickly took off into another tangent.
I couldn't convince her she wasn't fat, so I just started agreeing with her and calling her a whale. She joked she was going to commit suicide, and I told her the best way would probably be starvation. hahaha. I thought it was funny.. besides, seriously, if I had any idea she remotely would take offense, I never would have said it. We joke around all the time.. but she got mad, and is now talking on the phone with some guy about how much I weigh.
Thanks a lot.
argh. I must've really offended Christy if she had to retaliATE by discussing how much skinnier I am than her cousin or something and playing 'guess her weight' with whoever the hell she's talking to on the phone. So I guess I am apoloGizing, because that's pretty damn mean. Joking about our weights amongts ourselves and discussing how freakishly stick-like I am with some guy is noT the same thing.
Geezus, you're not a whale, ok? I think it's stupid that you'd even consider that. A pretty, smart, NOT whale-ish girl in engineering honors should NOT freak about about being stupid and 'failing' her classes and being fat. @#*&^@#!@!%%#&*
Which brings me to another topic.
Every girl has some physical aspect about themselves they dislike. I'm too tall, too short, too big, too small, blah blah blah.
Do you think I LIKE being skinny?? Have you EVER shopped for clothes with me?? Swimsuits and just plain suits are impossible to find. I have to spend avg. 60 bucks in alterations for every dress and suit I buy. So screw you all who say "blah blah, you have nothing to complain about" and according to Christy "all girls hate you because you're skinny" then squeeze my forearm or wrist in disgust like I'm some kinda freak.
Would you squeeze some obese girl's thigh and go "man, that's huge!" ??
NO, I don't think so.
The whole "does this dress make me look fat" thing is just the cliche way to sum up every female's many many insecurities about how she looks. I mean, that's normal. Some biological thing makes us preen and primp, but holy crap has society gotten obsessed with looks. And it does noT help when guys (*cough* - you know who I'm referring to) are like "Damn.. that girl's hot.. look at those _________ !(insert body part here)"
I'm not gonna stop you from talking about this with your male friends, because god knows I couldn't anyways, but geez, do you have to do it in front of us? (Rebecca - you can relate...)
We don't nearLy discuss the looks of some guy half as much as I hear guys talk about in front of me. And even thEN, guys caN work out, while makeup will only enhance you so much.
So there.
I don't care, whether it's because you think of Rebecca as a guy (heh.. ) or me as a lesbian (which i'm noT), or because anY female is so used to hearing girls judged, we should not have to hear it so much.
We females are self-conscious and neurotic enough as it is.
Maybe I'm just biased. IM me with an agreement or rebuttal.
And one more thing.
I eat, ok? Actually, ask anyone who knows me well enough. i LOVE to eat. I am just smALL boned. I get it from my dad.
So bugGer off~ the whole lot of you.
posted by Steph at 6:27 PM
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