Monday, January 13, 2003

I have covered more ground on campus today than I have in a weEK last semester. Before all my classes were within 5-10 min walking distance, now they're on average 15-20 away. Plus I didn't go back to my dorm till now cause the absa thing, so my feet hurt alot.
I just got back from fencing. Just the by the salutes and stances that we covered in a measly 15 minute class alone, I can tell I will definitely be building thigh muscles this semester.. I dunno how I'm going to survive a 1 and a half hour class period. The professor is pretty funny, though, and this will be a nice way to unwind the day.
I got lost going to my first class. I went to the wrong building; thankfully I went earlY (are you happy, daddy?) so I got in on time. It was relieving to see everyone else wandering around and looking up maps just like me.

Nutrition: The first thing I hear when I sit down is this guy going "wooo whee... looK at all the hot future nurses here.."
WhaT a dumbass.
I did feel kinda outta place though, when I realized I was taking this class for no reason other than I'm actually really interested (I like to look at nutrition labels a loT) and I think it's useful in life in general, if not specifically business. I couldn't stand how sl0ow the professor spoke though.. everything was made very clear, but I didn't understand why she was repeating things several times that were made clear on the syllabus ( I tend to be impatient) but when she was explaining how 3 test grades plus a final are 25% each and she takes the 3 highest out of those grades towards your final grade (25% is other stuff) and you do noT have to take the final, several people asked:
Moron # 1: "Wait, if I do worse on my final, does it count?"
Me thinking: uh.. no...
Moron # 2: "What if my final is my highest grade?"
Me annoyed: THE lowest one gets dROpped.
Bimbo #3: "Um, do I haVe to take the final?"
Me disgusted: NO!! Is it possible you are both illiterate AND deaf??
There were many more stupid questions pertaining to trivial things I shall not bother blogging about. Anyways, at least I think I will learn a lot of basic stuff I wanna know about. Plus she provides a complete course packet with aLL of her slides and room on the side for notes. Very handy. The only one out of 4 nutrition teachers who do that. 10% of grades are chapter quizzes you take online any time before the midterm.. the thing can take it several times until you get a hundred. hahaha. neat-O.
Then she tells us about some future dietary nutritionist meeting or something and I found it funny that people who study healthy eating are going to serve fattening cookies and sugary punch at the open house.
She starts talking: "Nutrients are essENtial in tissue growth and repair. Do you know what essENtial is? That means it is NEEded..."
I glance around... I see people scribbling furiously...and I mentally smack myself in the head.
But she says she goes pretty fast, so .. we'll see. And. I like the stuff I'm learning, so ::shrug::. I heard it gets harder; lots of memorizing stuff.

Classical Mythology: You know how Snow White had dark black hair, bright red lips, and skin as white as snow? My teacher Mr. Nethercut has Dark black eyes, Bright red skin, and Hair the color of snow. Seriously. He wears a brown tweed coat, and red pLAid tie, and waggles when he walks. His voice is booming and his stories about myths endless.
Even in his introduction, he covered so many different civilizations and their different legends. I looked at the syllabus and I actually can't wait to get started reading the textbook... I used to read myths in the high school English books while the teacher was talking, so I know I'm going to like this stuff. Like Chris said, the guy was very 'jolly.' I like how eager he is to teach us everything he knows about the subject.
He told us that Hercules killed another lion (before the lion he killed as the 1st of his 12 labors) before and to reward him some king gave him his 50 daughters to sleep with in one night. He said, and I quote "Hercules was so full of ... pizzazz that he impregnated every since one of those daughters! HA ha. HAhahaha." Everything else was pretty standard myth stuff, but I remember that one for some reason.

Biopsychology: My first teacher was a middle aged woman, my second a red-faced old man, the third a young pretty professor with a cool leather jacket and and even cooler name of Dr. Adriana Alacantara. She was the only one I couldn't find reviews for in pick-a-prof, but her name sounded cool so I took it. heh.
She spOke and ee-nuN-cee-ated so clearly. It was wear how crisply her words came out. But she obviously knew a lot (and does research on drug addictions) and constantly spouted terminology that I thank goD I was at least aware of because of Psychology class in high school. "Brain. blood vessels. neurons. axons. dendrites. neurotransmitters. synapses. primary visual cortex. frontal lobe"
There was this girl who was answering everything she asked and seemed to know it all already (so whY take the class, I ask?) and since grades in thiS class depend on what others get.. I slowly realized that everyone in this class was probably a Psych major and already took the real Psych class in college and did not just pass an AP.. I started to worry. Oh well. This is as sciency/biologyish as I ever plan to get, and I think I'll really like the class.
So.. so far my classes and professors seem ok. But usually things turn out the opposite of what I think it will be. But this semester I wiLL do well in all my classes.

Shanna mentioned how my schedule was kinda weird and I might wanna rethink it if I wanna apply for BHP (they wanna see you take challenging classes) and I thought about it, since many, manY people have commented on my weird schedule.. but I really like the classes I'm taking, I think I will learn a lot in all of them, I believe stuff like nutrition and biopsych are just good to know about (Like Roman Civ, I heard something about Nero the other day and it felt so cool that I could explain to someone what kinda emperor he was and all this other stuff). I think I will have enough business classes for the next three years to prepare me for business, so why not take what I really like and am more likely to try harder in? Besides, if BHP doesn't like the fact I'm taking a wide variety of classes while I can get it in (and have nothing else to take, for that matter....why should I be punished for taking APs?) then they can kiss my butt.
I like everything about my schedule this semester. so far. watch it all go downhill now, now that I said that... the gods hate me.

posted by Steph at 1:18 PM


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