Sunday, January 12, 2003

I woke up early and have nothing to do. Thus I blog:

Interesting snipets from an article:
"according to the Centers for Disease Control, 61% of all U.S. adults are considered either overweight or obese; the rate for kids aged 6-19 is 15%."
"PepsiCo is launching new, more "nutritious" versions of traditional flagship brands Doritos, Cheetos and Tostitos"
"The Los Angeles unified school district, 750 institutions, have already announced they won't sell soft drinks anymore. More are expected to follow, perhaps banning fatty snacks as well. That would be disastrous for PepsiCo which, even though it gets just 1% of its sales in North America from schools, relies on the exposure to help create young fans who will become lifelong munchers."
"Early ventures into good- or better-for-you stuff have flopped. "When we made all our pretzels fat-free in 1993, we lost a segment of our population,"

According to my sister, my old high school (Austin) had announced that they planned to pull all the coke machines, but instead added an ice cream machine... I find that hilarious.

"Early ventures into good- or better-for-you stuff have flopped. When we made all our pretzels fat-free in 1993, we lost a segment of our population"
"Gail, who is a big fan of Fritos, would never be caught dead eating a reduced-fat version of the snack if it were available."
I think it's interesting how if given the choice of fat-free or regular, people still tend to choose the regular .. Pepsico now realizes that and plans to just "go with the flow and just provide better products."
What I don't get is that even when the PepsiCo company diD try to make healthier products, we didn't eat it anyways! Then we sue them for making us fat.
The only good thing about the threat of lawsuits is that they're now going to make junk food a little 'healtheir', but I think it's stupid suing junk food companies - it's not like they trick you into eating it and falsely advertise how healthy it will make you.. It's your own stupid choice to pig out and then not exercise.
Geez, people.. learn to control yourselves.. Must we make the government restrict commercial companies on what they can and cannot sell because people lack the self control to make the decision to eat healthy? We're all "free-speech .. capitalism ..blah blah blah" and then we sue companies for doing business.
They only seLL what the stupid consumers eaT.
I hate the sue-happy people now adays.. it's ridiculous. Suing tobacco companies - It's noBody's fault but your own that you smoke. Suing fast food companies - It's noBOdy's fault that you eat crap but your own.
I understand that obesity sometimes can't be helped in some people (genetic factors) but most of the time it's because "Americans tend to eat high-fat foods, and put taste and convenience ahead of nutrition. Also, most Americans do not get enough physical activity." (source)
I mean, 61% of adults in America are obese?!?! it's preposterous.
I think suing in general (especially the astronomical amounts that those greedy, lazy, unreasonable ... jerks... ask for..)
A couple million for emotional damage?? $#*& that .. A few thousand will get you a good psychologist, you moron.
What kind of stupid judge actually consents to give some money-grubbing ... (geez it's so hard to describe people without using bad words) ... poop head millions of dollars for something so trivial as.. spilling coffee or something? Idiots. They're all idiots, I tell you - those whiny "I need millions of dollars to solve itsy bitsy problem" that sue for for everything, the damn lawyers, and the damn judges that give it away.

I don't even remember what I was talking about. But POO on those .. poo-ey people! yeaH! hmpf.

posted by Steph at 10:08 AM


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