Wednesday, January 08, 2003

mmm. we made spinich artichoke dip, cookies, chocolate kaluha truffles, spinich quiche.
jennifer, zara, mariam, david.. we went to that hooka thing again. i don't know why. after realizing how much smoke goes in your lungs (even though no tar, nicotine, etc) and I didn't feel anything, I don't plan to do this for awhile. After seeing these 4 loud sailor-mouthed ... females and watching one shout a stream of profanities at someone on her phone ( "STOP #*$&^@#$ calling you #($&@#$ or I'll (#$&@(#*%#%" ) I am more determined than ever not to cuss again unless under extreme circumstances.
The bachelorette was on TV .. I hate hate hate that show. It is the stupidest crap I've ever seen. The only reason it is remotely understandable is because they had the stupid bachelor show. If you're a smart, funny ,good looking, successful single person, wHY can't you get a date on your own? It's ridiculous. ridiculous, I tell you. And the whole kissing all 15 contestents? What is thAT?? Why are they televising that and making it seem normal and ok? People should not go around kissing a dozen girls/guys. That is promoting .. bad.. stuff. Grr. It's so hard not to use bad words. Why don't they have tv programs on the dangers of STDs or something? .. i guess no one would watch that.. but still... stupid show.
I'm going to try to wake up before 11 tomorrow. Clean my room. Start packing.

Where is 'home'?
I'm always surprised when people refer to AUstin as 'home.' I enjoy being there, and you have freedom and stuff, but can you really call it 'home'? Shanna talked about how sometimes when she comes home (Houston) she feels like a guest. And while it does take me a while to get used to living at home again, and sometimes I complain about being bored, but we all complain everywhere and I think that no matter how long I've been away, this house will always be home. Not my dorm, not college. College is college and home with family is home.

posted by Steph at 9:19 PM


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