When I woke up this morning and looked out the window, there was such a thick cloud of fog I couldn't see anYthing outside.
I woke Christy up just to look at it, and we oohed and ahhed. I dunno why it looked we were so entranced. Maybe it's the whole being up high in a tower surrounded by clouds then emerging through the doors in a world of mist kind of thing. I'm a princess in a tower! hahaha. (I rarely get have things fancifal, girly daydreams, so humor me) But there's something about walking through a thick layer of fog on a cold morning that makes everything just seem enchanted.
Anyways..so I went to class (on time!) in a good mood. I know my mom says I'm like my dad in that I can't stand noT being around people for a long time; ( I like constant activity) but sometimes, especially walking to class on days like this, I really do enjoy the alone time.
I woke Christy up just to look at it, and we oohed and ahhed. I dunno why it looked we were so entranced. Maybe it's the whole being up high in a tower surrounded by clouds then emerging through the doors in a world of mist kind of thing. I'm a princess in a tower! hahaha. (I rarely get have things fancifal, girly daydreams, so humor me) But there's something about walking through a thick layer of fog on a cold morning that makes everything just seem enchanted.
Anyways..so I went to class (on time!) in a good mood. I know my mom says I'm like my dad in that I can't stand noT being around people for a long time; ( I like constant activity) but sometimes, especially walking to class on days like this, I really do enjoy the alone time.
posted by Steph at 8:07 AM
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