Monday, February 24, 2003

Chris Ha is a bastard.
Read his Feb 06 blog. The loSER spent all that time writing some pathetic trouble shooting guide about me?
Press Cntrl F. Count the number of times Stephanie appears in his blog. DO YOU NOT HAVE A LIFE?
But that's ok. Chris invites me to do stuff, so I know he doesn't totally mean it. And when he does, he has no ulterior motive.
So be thankful, Chris, you have been permitted to live on the condition you eradicate the blemish you have placed upon my name.

David Powell is an a**hole. Read his Feb 21 blog.
"It was the kind of cold one would only expect to run into in the most inhuman and inhospitable environments, like in the depths of Stephanie Chen's soul."

I'm only verbally abusive to whiny, witless, immature, irresponsible and ungrateful imbeciles like you. "Wah. I missed class again. What did the teacher say? What was the project about? huh? what's going on? can I use youR access code you paid 25 bucks for and then grudgingly thank you? will you go over the instructions? Want to study for the test together? (even though I hate you most of the time) I think it will be mutually beneficial." Mutually beneficial hOW, you selfish prick?
You say that fake crap when you need me, then write about me in your pathetic little blog about your pathetic little life and use my full name and call me a cold hearted b****?
Die, cretin.
You don't even remOtely know me. How much of my life and time have I really wasted with you? Hardly any. So don't blame me because your stupidity brings out the worst in me.
Why should I take youR crap and have to put up with being called 'evil' when I retaliate? Girls who argue back and don't put up with crap are always 'b*tches'.

"demona - Prolific blogger. Very interesting to read; right now she, Chris, and David are in a tizzy: Chris facetiously calls her evil; David sincerely thinks the same; she uses her blog as a tower from which she rains upon them with arrows of acid fury, eating through their typed-up defenses and leaving scars, deep scars to deter them from making the same mistake twice. "
Nice way to sum it up, keith.

posted by Steph at 8:19 AM


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