Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Christy is taking an evolution class, and one of her readings was about sexual selection and is written by a psychologist professor at UT (so it's more psychology than evolution - but still very interesting) and we both found it VERY amusing.

“Across all cultures, men placed a greater premium than women on only two characteristics – attractiveness and youth, both known cues to a woman’s fertility and reproductive value (Gangestad and Thornhill, 1994, Singh, 1993; Symons, 1995)”

“Women are nearly universal in their expression of a stronger desire for men with good financial prospects, as well as the cues that lead to resources, such as ambition, industriousness, and social status”

“Both equally desired mates who were kind, intelligent, dependable, and healthy”

Men are more likely to be extremely jealous of “sexual infidelity. In contrast, women’s jealousy” is “more heavily focused on a man’s emotional involvement with another woman.” Probably because men face the “uncertainty in paternity.”

And the best one of all:

"In one study, men and women were approached by attractive confederates of the opposite sex and asked to go out on a date that night go back to the confederate’s apartment that night, or have sex with that confederate that night (Clark and Hatfield, 1989).

Of the women approached by the male confederate, 50% agreed to a date, 6% agreed to go back to his apartment, and 0% agreed to have sex.
Of the men approached by female confederates, 50% agreed to the date, 69% agreed to go back to her apartment, and 75% agreed to have sex.”
Several studies of the same nature was done and yielded very similar results.


posted by Steph at 6:19 PM


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