Thursday, February 06, 2003

For some reason I am getting more and more hyper.
I think staying inside and doing boring stuff like studying and researching makes me build up all this pent up enegy. I feel like I haven't been around people in SO long.
When I was going to Eco today, I was actually sinGing (Chicago - what else) in the hall of my dorm and I didn't realize there were 4 people waiting for the elevators. 3 of them were asian guys that I recognized but didn't know the names of. Again. I assured them I was not crazy. Then I just kept talking and babbling, so Im not sure they believed me. O well.
This is what happens when I'm in a confined area for too long. Then in Eco he just kept talking and I was SO antsy and annoyed. He is the worst teacher ever.
So I was really glad to get out and go to an ABSA meeting. And before that Peter was looking over the power point and Jeff stopped by and I was like TWO people to talk to! (That hasn't happened in a long time - lately I just see roommate and suitemates)
The meeting had so many people and I had fun babbling more the entire time.
I realized I am nOT a good alone time person. I love being by myself and just relaxing or just walking around when the weather's nice or reading, but I reaLLy could not ever live my life by myself.
I am SO excited about Casino Night tomorrow! Dressing up and going with lots and lots of people (that I like) and gambling. Three good things!!
What is wrong with me.
I hate being in my dorm by myself. Should I study tonight?
OH! And no nutrition class tomorrow!! YAY. So no waking up before 8. I can sleep till 10.
I think I'll go downstairs. I am going crazy.

posted by Steph at 6:47 PM


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