Thursday, February 13, 2003

I just finished reading mythology!
That doesn't necessarily mean studying... but at least I read it all, right? TWO hundred and 30 pages.
It goes fast though, I like stories a lot.
I also ate a Greek salad Christy brought back, so maybe that helped. hahaha.
Anyways, I'm in a good mood again. So far my eco quizzes have been good, and I just feel like I can actually study enough and be on top of things this semester.
AND I ate chocolate.
And I realized all these people are going bonkers about Valentines day, but then today for some reason I just realized how many great people I know and I feel very loving towards everyone for some reason and that's all that matters!
I can't wait till these tests are over and I can start sEeing people again.

posted by Steph at 9:09 PM


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