Friday, February 07, 2003

My biopsychology class lies in the depths of the EJC; it takes 5 doors, 2 winding staircases and several hallways to get to it.
Every day after class, I happen to always leave right after this one guy who opens eVery single one of those doors and will wait for you and keep the door open even if you're a couple steps behind. I always feel bad and have to half run so he doensn't stand there waiting.
Today I quelled an urge to ask, "WHY do you do this? Why?"
I'm curious to know whether people like that just have really good mommys that taught them well, or what? I mean, what goes through their head? "Hey, I'll just be nice and hold the door." or "Chivalry demands that I hold the door."
So I guess the question is: Guys that do hold the door, do you do it because your parents taught you to be polite, or is it an innate sense of courtesy, or what?
Either way, it's nice to have people like that.

posted by Steph at 10:46 AM


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