Wednesday, February 19, 2003

A pretty little bluejay hopped right onto a branch in front me as I was walking today.
As he cocked his head and nearby mockingbirds chirped and I noticed what looked like purple Mountain Laurel blooming near the buildings, I smiled to myself and was so happy it was almost Spring.

THEN I noticed that warmer weather also brought out the damn cigarette smokers.

I guess winter made their tar stained fingers too cold to clutch the disgusting things, and now that the weather is so nice, they can RUIN it for everyone within a 6 foot radius by blowing streams of NASTY SMOKE in our faces.
Many times I see others, along with myself, having to scurry in front of these people to prevent that crap from going into our lungs, only to see another future lung cancer patient a few feet ahead.

Yes. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. If I know you, please don't ever let on you smoke. I mean, wHY would you purposely stain your teeth, deteriorate your lungs, speed up your heart rate, and perfume yourself in that gaGGINg stench? I really don't understand at all.
On the way to nutrition and back from biopsychology (both of which make me a lot more health conscious) I saw at least 7 people within a few minutes sucking on a cigarette. YecH.

Oh, and on another note, I also heard several people pass by me speaking in Chinese with a Beijing accent and it was so cool and made me miss hearing Chinese so much. I think that, if anything, made me kind of glad I'm going to Beijing to study Chinese this summer. I haven't really looked forward to it at all until now, and I realize I can't wait to learn to speak like that! neat-O.

Also, when I was walking into Burdine hall, I noticed something familiar about the particular smell of the classrooms, and then I realized it triggered memories of my first years at CYC. It smelled like the classrooms we had calligraphy and crafts classes in, and I started to feel nostalgic. I'm sad I can't go this year.. it'll be the first time I missed it in 10 years. Sigh.

SOo, I guess the whole point of this was how amazing it is how smells (smoke, classrooms), sights (purple flowers) and sounds (birds, accents) can make you feel so many different things all at once. The brain is so amazing!

I think biopsych class is getting to me. People tell me I'm idiotic for taking classes like nutrition and biopsychology, but I really don't regret it. I really love tying what I learn from different classes together. Like in nutrition today when we were talking about proteins and she listed some, I recognized Tryptophan and I said aloud "hey! Tryptophan is a precursor for Dopamine!" People looked at me funny and I sheepishly began taking notes again.
Ok. time to study now. big exam tomorrow.

posted by Steph at 11:28 AM


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