Monday, February 24, 2003

Putrid Rat (1:02:55 AM): i hear there was snow playing
Demona848 (1:02:58 AM): yes there was
Putrid Rat (1:03:07 AM): this is one insanely jealous person sitting here...

I'm sitting at my computer (surprise, surprise) clicking apathetically when Jon come up to borrow my camera battery... somehow I end up going outside in the 20 degree weather with Jon, Rebecca, Omar, Ansar, TC and Jenny(?) to take pictures... I didn't understand until I went outside.
IT WAS WHITE! We all oohed and aahed and went outside.
There were so many different types of 'snow'. There was crystal-y snow. There was icy sleet. There was more powdery stuff, but rarely. I liked the ones that went 'crunch crunch crunch' under my feet and were in bigger chunks so I could stomp on them and hear a satisfying chomp.
There were people sliding down the streets (the main street was blocked off) in laundry baskets, trash can tops, chaiRs.. basically anything these young ruffians could get their hands on. People even took those yellow "Caution: Wet Floor" signs from god knows where and slid down 'hills'.
It's amazing how crazy people can get over a little sleet/snow. What can I say. Young people are just bonkers.
People made a longhorn out of snow on the ground, and a horizontal snowman (not enough to have one stand up). As we walked around and my fingers gradually lost all feeling, I noticed every incline on campus was basically occupied with hordes of whooping (supposedly) mature college men and women pushing each other down on sled like contraptions of every kind. We are all kids underneath. All along the way, everyone else except me and maybe Jon threw snowballs at each other and ran and slid through the ice. I don't know why I never do anything like that. I don't think I've ever really just let go. When I do, it will be a momentous event.
We went up the to Jester garage, and ooohed again over the untouched purity of the 'snow.' After a few hours of stomping, sliding, throwing snowballs, snapping pictures, and freezing our buTts off, we headed back.
On the way, it started precipitating freEzing rain. And it is called freezing rain for a reason. It actually stung my face and I yelped and ran and flailed my arms the whole way back. Thanks for lending me your beanie, Jon. Although I still say we all wil die of pneumonia (I spelled it right on my first try!) tomorrow.
Ahhh.. I just took a shower and am warm once again. Time to go back downstairs to Dobie 210 where it is alwAys full of spontaneous fun.

posted by Steph at 11:06 PM


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