Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Nutrition is a very interesting class. I stayed awake the WHOLE time today!
The average recommended calorie intake = 2000 calories (Guys, 2200. Active guys, around 2400)
Big mac + Large fries + small shake = 1560 calories
That's over ONE THIRD of what you should take in a day in ONE meal!
300,000 deaths are due to complication with obesity a year, 400,000 for smoking.
And I see people drinking those hUGE 64 oz.coke things you get from 7-11? That equals drinking ONE CUP of pure sugar.
I hate how there aren't enough healthy places to eat.
I understand college students saying they have no choice but to eat crap; that's all that's available on campus.
But considering most of the obese population consists more of adult than students (although I guess your eating habits now determine a lot), people can eat healthier stuff, they just don't.
Over 25% of the population in 37 states are obese. Not just overweight, obese. That's 30% more than what you shoulD weigh.
And what's even more sad is the fact children are getting more and more obese at younger and younger ages.
There's this one little boy down my street that is about 4 feet tall and almost 4 feet across. I'm not kidding. He's round. I knoW he weighs more than I do. (which doesn't say too much, but I'm twice his age)
His dad is very thin, but his mOM stays at home all day and gives her overweight daughter manicures. It's sick. SICK I tell you.
The wealthy are just as uneducated about health, it seems.
Lately he's been riding bicycles and been out more, but unfortunately for him, no matter how much weight he loses, he will for the rest of his life, be more prone to gain weight due to an increase in the sheer number of fat cells he has due to his StupID mother's overfeeding. (I've seen his dad, and the fault lies almost solely on the unhealthy enviroment his mom created)
McDonald's is NOT a good meal for your kids.
oh. 10% of the entire population on any given day eats at McDonald's! Can you believe that?
It's not like we don't knoW it's unhealthy.. but I guess if the nutrition is not posted, we just ignore it.
Supersize meal = FIFTEEN SIXTY out of 2000 calories a day!
America & ignorance makes me sick.

N3mesis85 (10:17:25 AM): well a 5 foot girl witha small frame isn't gonna eat as much as a 5'6 girl with a big on

While that is true, how can you explain we STILL have become a much much much more obese country in the past 10 years?
Obviously we're still taking in too much. Increase shows that it's not just genetics (while it does suck if you're just more prone to gain weight), but LARGELY environmental.

N3mesis85 (10:19:20 AM): im so sick of weight loss
N3mesis85 (10:19:23 AM): weight this obese that

TRUE too. It's not all about weight. In fact, it's not about weight at all, although that is an indicator of how much you're eating vs. exercising.
I stress healthy eating and exercising. Hell, you can eat as much as you want, as long as you don't eat too much crap and you exercise.
Christine is right. America takes a very bad approach to it. They eat the unnutritious crap like pigs, then try to supplement with pills what they don't get thru their diet and then take more pills to lose weight. JUST EAT RIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
And don't give me that buLL CRAP about me not understanding because I'm skinny. True, I have small bones, so if I gain weight it's hard to notice, but you can ask christine.
I used to be flabby. fLABBY! because I ate crap. In fact, let's ask her now:

Demona848 (10:23:21 AM): isn't it true I used to be flabby?
Demona848 (10:23:23 AM): because i ate junk
Demona848 (10:23:27 AM): and NEVER EXERCISED
N3mesis85 (10:23:27 AM): yea
N3mesis85 (10:23:35 AM): you were kinda squishy

she goes on to rant how on one ever noticed...
BUT now you can punch me in my iron stomach and I won't feel a thing! I will just break you with my sinewy arms of steel!
hahahha. just kidding. But really.

N3mesis85 (10:24:01 AM): you BLOODY SKIN AND BONES

I hate people feeling on me and telling me I'm disgusting, or calling me anorexic, or using me as a basis of comparison like I'm some freak of nature: "She's almost as skinny as you! .. I have a friend... she's about.. *looks closely* as skinny as you are"

N3mesis85 (10:26:44 AM): you LEFT YOUR ICE CREAM HERE BEEOCH
N3mesis85 (10:26:53 AM): WHHADDA YOU TRYING TO DO TO ME???

hahaha. it was yummy ice cream.

N3mesis85 (10:27:11 AM): hey, random thought
N3mesis85 (10:27:21 AM): when you move in to your apartment
N3mesis85 (10:27:28 AM): and im a freshmen living on campus
N3mesis85 (10:27:31 AM): do i get to keep your bedsheets
N3mesis85 (10:27:36 AM): since they'll be useless to you
N3mesis85 (10:27:40 AM): i really dont mind HTOSE hand me downs
Demona848 (10:28:32 AM): WHAT?!
Demona848 (10:28:37 AM): i lOVE my bedsheets
N3mesis85 (10:28:43 AM): so??!?
N3mesis85 (10:28:45 AM): you dont need them!
Demona848 (10:28:47 AM): they are soooo comfy
N3mesis85 (10:28:48 AM): they're super twin

N3mesis85 (10:28:57 AM): you gonna strech them to fit your big bed?
N3mesis85 (10:29:01 AM): you gonna make it a quilt?
N3mesis85 (10:29:02 AM): comon
N3mesis85 (10:29:06 AM): dont hog
N3mesis85 (10:29:12 AM): im trying to save money here

hahaha. so funny. time for class now. bye bye

N3mesis85 (10:30:10 AM): IGNORED.
N3mesis85 (10:30:12 AM): i see how it is
N3mesis85 (10:30:15 AM): i'll STEAL THEM

Demona848 (10:30:16 AM): ^_^
Demona848 (10:30:19 AM): i gotta go now
N3mesis85 (10:30:23 AM): gr.
N3mesis85 (10:30:26 AM): and leave me all alone????
N3mesis85 (10:30:29 AM): aGAIN?????
N3mesis85 (10:30:32 AM): FOR ANOTHER DAY??!?!??!?!?!
N3mesis85 (10:30:34 AM): I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE
N3mesis85 (10:30:36 AM): AHHHHHHHH
N3mesis85 (10:30:37 AM): THATS IT
N3mesis85 (10:30:40 AM): IM DRIVING UP THERE
N3mesis85 (10:30:41 AM): RIGHT NOW.

posted by Steph at 8:14 AM


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