Wednesday, March 19, 2003

You know what's bad?
Christy having classes 9 am in the morning when I don't have on till past noon, then me having 9 am classes when she doesn't have class till noon. Always conflicting want-to-sleep-early times.
You know what's worse?
Me waking up at 9 am Mon, Wed, Fri and then not waking up till almost 1pm Tues & Thurs. Waking up late = sleeping late = sucks waking up early next morning. Always conflicting sleeping patterns.
It's like I can't help it; I just CAN'T get out of my comfy comfy bed when I don't have to. I LOVE sleeping in.
So I sleep a little less than 6 hours one night, a little more than 12 hours the next.
over and over.
Is this bad for me?

posted by Steph at 12:18 AM


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