Monday, August 18, 2003

I had this dream that I was sitting in a movie theatre.
The lights were tinted dark blue, and you could see dust motes swirling in the beam of light shining from one of those very old movie projectors.
It was a vampire movie, and somehow 2 vampires that were fighting each other came out of the screen, only no one noticed at first.
They stalked us, hiding in the shadows and slowly killed the audience one by one. They had stringy black hair and bloodshot eyes. By the time I realized what was going on, it was too late. I couldn't get out. The whole scene was dark blue, as if it was filmed in slow motion under water.
Then I ended up somewhere in an old house and that whole scene was tinted orangy brown. Freddy krueger (all those damn previews) popped up and tried to stab me in the face. I could see from third person those nails slowly sinking into my cheeks like quicksand, but I didn't feel anything. I could somehow deduce I didn't like the feeling, though.
I woke up.
Then I ended up in a movie complex with 17 stories, each theatre had it's own floor - you rode a huge elevator to get to the one you wanted. Your ticket had to be fed into an electronic counter for you to get in the door; there were no people working there.
There were swarms of people. Everyone just went to the movies. They eventually had it so digitized that you could buy your tickets with your credit card (I had just done this the other day), buy snacks, everything, without any human employees.
I noticed it was weird how so many people were in the lobby, but as people started getting separated into their movie choices, there started to be less and less people.
The elevator had no door to close, so you had to be careful not to fall, and you didn't have to push a button for a floor, it could tell by your ticket.
I went with my family, but when I stepped inside the theatre to watch some Chinese movie, they were all gone. There was one other man in the theatre, this professor looking like dude. The seats were large and sofa-like. I sat in the middle, the front row of a balcony. (Yes, they had balconies)
In the middle of the movie, some Chinese army stormed in the door and started shooting. They didn't see me, and I crawled out the exit. The professor guy died.
Then it turned Matrix-y.
All the weird coincidences with these movies suddenly hit me.
I remember having a weird feeling when I noticed all the mobs of people going to movie after movie, day after day, zoning out. The more people that got killed by these movie characters, the more alive the movies became.
That's why there were no human employees - the ones who worked there long enough had to be killed after they found out what was going on.
It was a good plan, society was always more willing to watch a movie than watch the news. The world of fantasy is so much more seductive and pleasing.
I realized I would be targeted next for figuring it out.
I spent the next few months hitchhiking and stealing food for survival, sure that some nameless person or organization was after me. I somehow got a car, and helped other people running from something. I saw flashes of various places; a dinky gas station in a small town, a small, filthy restaurant in a large city, an expanse of meadow, mountain peaks, an elementary school. It was weird.
Eventually I ended up in this bakery where this nice guy showed me a closet door that could take you to wherever you wanted to go. (kinda like the keymaker, I suppose - except instead of a small, timid, chinese guy he was this old, jolly black guy with curly white hair)
I said I wanted to go to safety, where ever that was. So I got there.
I woke up again.
They were all so real.
Have I been watching too many movies?
I wonder where I ended up. Zion?

posted by Steph at 9:30 AM


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