Monday, September 08, 2003

I take back my comparison with my accounting teacher to Mrs. Schroyer.
That was was grossly insensitive and mean on my part.
I like my accounting teacher. She is funny and smart. And she tells stories and jokes. Her jokes aren't always funny... but we always end up laughing at the fact no one laughs. And that at least laughing rejuvenates me.
She's also got a "bachelors and a master’s degree in piano, a master’s degree in accounting, a doctorate in the statistics and program evaluation areas of educational psychology."
Mrs. Schroyer (my senior english teacher) probably couldn't run a Kindergarten class. Well, I take it back. She could, but I wouldn't be surprised if they started throwing ABC blocks at her big empty head.

Dr. Keller said that she understood our tendency to fall asleep in class, and said when she was a freshman she used to aLways fall asleep in this one class, and when it came to test time, she had NO notes and there was no book, so she was screwed. But since high school everyone thought she was 'the smart one', they asked her to study with them. So she just asked them to give her their notes so she could check them and then help them study.
So she just studied off lots of other peoples' notes.
I thought that was very funny.
Anyways, so far I like accounting. Teachers make a biG difference.

My business law professor lets us ask him questions at the beginning of each class. Since he used to practice, it's like getting free legal advice.
So far I've heard a lot of "let's say I parked semi-illegally.... what's the punishment for MIPs ... and I'm about to get fired; can I sue for wrongful discharge?"
::shakes head::
College students.
But he has given us a lot of good advice on traffic tickets and how to handle them and stuff.
I like law. Knowing it well is like a whole new type of power. POWER!

Oh, and I don't hate Gemberlng. I realized she's not a bad teacher, just MIS310 is a craPPER class and it's stupid to teach computer applications to a class of 400. Statistics is ok. Blah.

My BA324 professor is crazy. He's really a good writer/talker/business person, but class is a joke. It's supposed to be from 2:00-3:30.
The first day of class, he dismissed us at 2:50. "I have a class at 3:00pm, so I gotta go now."
Everyone just kind stared at each other.... if he has class at 3:00.. how do we finish our 2-3:30 class??
We don't.
Then the othER day.. he shows up like 25 minutes late. And he said to reward us for staying there and waiting, he'll dimiss class early. Or should I say, even EaRlier.
Yeah. But he really does have very good advice and suggestions on oral speaking, writing, presentations, etc. He makes very good points very succintly. I think we can all learn a lot from him, and the best part of it is, he doens't take long to do it.

Anyways, if you can't tell/don't know me by now, I like to make a big deal out of stuff at the beginning of the year. The more I hate and dog on my professors, the better I start to like them later on. I mean, if you have low expectations over things you can't control, you don't have anywhere to go but up, right?

Usually my blogs are dramatic exaggerations.... I hate it when people take me too seriously or think I'm crazy. So what if I am?
Put it this way: Do you want me to vent my frustations with my writing or with my fists in your solar plexus?

posted by Steph at 11:02 PM


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