PumPinG gAs at a GheTto RivA-siDe GaS stAtiOn:
So I'm cRuiSiN' doWn dA roAd in mY oH-so-fLy rIde, when I nOtice that my gAs be loW.
AgaiNst my bettEr juDgemeNt, i puLLz oVer to a sEmi-lit gAs statioN wherE this huGe hisPanic f00l in a wiFe beaTer is aLso gEttIng gAs.
i whiP out my cRedit caRd and am aBout ta sLide the suCka, whEn i realize a siGn that says 'PAY FIRST.' I sAys to myselF - 'yO maN, whAt kiNda gHetto a$$ $hieT is thiS?"
So I stRoll inside to giVe a hollA and pay, and the big guy opens the door for me before he proceeds to bUy a stacK of ciGGies.
TheN some gaNsta/hobO lookin' dude in big black booTs and striNgy hair tries to walk aRound me, but I don't see, and he says 'excuse me miss' and politely waits fo mE to move mY oBliviouS caNdy a$$.
The even ghetto-er(?) attendent behiNd the cash register asks me how much I want, and I give him a 20. Then he politely says "thank you. have a nice day, mam" I wuZ like "yo, proPs, G, fo' dA nicE cusTomer seRvice"
I fillz up my dopE tsx, the whoLe time checkiN mah bAck to make suRe no one jumPs out and poPs a caP up in my @$$.
heY, it waS darK, aiGhT?
TheN I realize I paid $1.24 too mucH.
I go bacK in, and they easily refund maH d0lla.
Some other local holds my door for me on the way out.
AmazeD and absolutely tittilated at the R-e-s-p-e-c-T and tha br0thAh00d the peepS had for me at the sTatioN, I high fiVed all the niGGas on the way to my car and proMised I'd be bacK the next week.
So I roLL ouT, at peace with the world and at homE in dA h00d.
So I'm cRuiSiN' doWn dA roAd in mY oH-so-fLy rIde, when I nOtice that my gAs be loW.
AgaiNst my bettEr juDgemeNt, i puLLz oVer to a sEmi-lit gAs statioN wherE this huGe hisPanic f00l in a wiFe beaTer is aLso gEttIng gAs.
i whiP out my cRedit caRd and am aBout ta sLide the suCka, whEn i realize a siGn that says 'PAY FIRST.' I sAys to myselF - 'yO maN, whAt kiNda gHetto a$$ $hieT is thiS?"
So I stRoll inside to giVe a hollA and pay, and the big guy opens the door for me before he proceeds to bUy a stacK of ciGGies.
TheN some gaNsta/hobO lookin' dude in big black booTs and striNgy hair tries to walk aRound me, but I don't see, and he says 'excuse me miss' and politely waits fo mE to move mY oBliviouS caNdy a$$.
The even ghetto-er(?) attendent behiNd the cash register asks me how much I want, and I give him a 20. Then he politely says "thank you. have a nice day, mam" I wuZ like "yo, proPs, G, fo' dA nicE cusTomer seRvice"
I fillz up my dopE tsx, the whoLe time checkiN mah bAck to make suRe no one jumPs out and poPs a caP up in my @$$.
heY, it waS darK, aiGhT?
TheN I realize I paid $1.24 too mucH.
I go bacK in, and they easily refund maH d0lla.
Some other local holds my door for me on the way out.
AmazeD and absolutely tittilated at the R-e-s-p-e-c-T and tha br0thAh00d the peepS had for me at the sTatioN, I high fiVed all the niGGas on the way to my car and proMised I'd be bacK the next week.
So I roLL ouT, at peace with the world and at homE in dA h00d.
posted by Steph at 6:55 PM
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