Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Shanna, David and I are eating dumplings.
She finishes and starts to cut eggplant.

Shanna: Do you eat eggplant?
David: I think I've seen an eggplant once. Big purple things?
[Shanna holds up a Chinese eggplant. They are a lot thinner and shorter. Much like Chinese people.]
David: Whoa.
Me: Looks different, huh? American eggplants are big and round. Like you. Chinese eggplants are smaller and thinner. Like me.
[I think this is funny, but David apparently does not.]
Shanna: [turns around and faces us] Ok. question.
David: Ok. Shanna.
Shanna: This might be kind of offensive...
Me: [laughs] Believe me, you can't be any more offensive than I am! Ask!
Shanna: So you're white, right?
[We all can't help but laugh at her. Shanna asks funny questions. More often than not, she laughs at herself, too]
Shanna: Do you have a culture?

hahahahaha. I hAd to blog her.
"You're white, right? Do you have a culture?"
hahahaha. The best part is, Shanna is serious.

posted by Steph at 2:55 PM


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