Wednesday, October 29, 2003

I am in a complete state of panic.

Ok, maybe not panic. But severe discomfort and discontentment.

This cruel and mocking world has decided once again to kick me while I am down. As if things weren't hectic enough in my life, I have been robbed of the three most precious things to me in this material world:
My Palm Pilot. My phone. My wallet.

I am utterly bereft.

No, they were not stolen.
The Palm Pilot still exists physically, it's just not functioning anymore. It was knocked off the table a few days ago, and I now have to resort to paper planners. OH the horror! It makes me very unhappy to not be able to check my exact schedule a dozen times a day. Spiral planners are bigger, clumsier, you have to flip through them, for heavens sake! and they don't tell you the exact time when you have to do things - you just jot things down.

My cell phone and wallet I'm praying (to whatever benevolent spirit is left in the heavens) I left in my car or in the office, both of which are too far for me to walk to right now, as I have a meeting in 10 minutes.

I didn't realize they were missing until I tried to pay for my food at Jester City Limits. I'd never felt so lost and out of control in my life; I almost broke down and cried in front of the cashier. I had no planner, no money, and no phone to tell me what time it was or to call someone to beg for help. I had nothing. No control. At all. Over anything. I was just a little insignificant person.

I wanted to curl into a fetal position and cry at the cruelty of it all.

Luckily, the shiny business school stood tall and constant in the midst of it all, and there I sought solace in the warm glow of the flat panel monitors and refuge among the comforting words of thy blog.


I miss my loved ones.
Come back to me...

posted by Steph at 1:53 PM


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