I have so many dreams, and they all tie in the real life in some way. Usually I am stressed by the end of it.
Last night I dreamt I was going to pick up Chris from my Brass Ring group to go to work in the morning. We have work at 10am. So I get to the 'lobby' of my 'apt' ( I dunno why, but I now live in a hotel like place ) and then I realize I forgot my keys. So I go up to get them. But as I enter the elevator, I realize I don't remember what floor I live on. There's this old couple dressed all formal waiting, so I feel bad. I vaguely remember my apt# to be between the 700s and 900s, so I press level 7.
We go up. Soon I am left by myself in the elevators, and I get off on floor 7.
It does not look like an apartment complex at all. In fact, it reminds me of a submarine or something; the walls are metallic and dark grey, the hall ways are extremely cramped. Only instead of soldiers, there are girls everywhere, running around. They must've been unpacking because there were suitcases and clothes spilling out of the rooms. I get very confused and walk around for maybe 5 minutes before I convince myself that I definitely don't remember living there.
I take the stairs to level 8. This time the place looks like a college dorm, brightly lit and painted. I wandered around. It still wasn't my floor. I started panicking, because it was 9:45 and I was supposed to pick up chris at 9:45. I go up another level and it looks like my apt, only it's inside, in a hallway. I unlock the door, and change for some reason... I come out wearing black leather boots and a black leather jacket. I have no idea why.
By the time I get out, I'm 16 minutes late and I feel very bad. I wake up stressed.
Speaking of black leather jackets, there was this very funny conversation I forgot to post the other day with my Brass Ring team members.
Keith: something something James Dean
Me: Do you know who James Dean is, Martin?
(Martin is very apathetic, emotionless, and clueless to social norms. That includes pop culture. Imagine his responses given in a monotone voice with nO element of feeling in it)
Martin: James Dean?
Me: Yes. James Dean. Do you know who that is?
Martin: No.
Keith: White shirt, black leather jacket, motorcycle?
Martin: Sounds familiar.
Keith: Rebel Without a Cause?
Martin: Oh. He was in that, right?
Me: yeS he was the stAR. geez do you know who Marilyn Monroe is?
Martin: uh, she's dead, right?
The rest of us do not stop laughing for 5 minutes.
I can not believe this guy, he is not human. He has no favorite foods, no favorite movies, no favorite books, and when we took the make up accounting test together last wednesday, he did not know the name of his teacher. When asked to describe her, he says "uh, she's female."
After much prodding, he concludes he likes rice a lot. And potatoes. He likes the while interesting, but every so slow 'Gattaca'. He signed up for this internship for now reason. Has no aspirations, doesn't plan to learn from this project. Thinks marketing is utterly useless. #($*)#(%*#()% Has no hobbies outside of video games. Rarely smiles (so the rest of us always make a big deal of it when he does), doesn't get angry.
He is like the opposite of me. Which is why we clash a lot.
We did that Kiersey/Briggs/Meyer thing, and we, as a group, are
Chris ISTJ 'The Duty Fulfiller'
Keith ENTP 'The Visionary'
Martin INTP 'The Thinker'
Me ENTP 'The Executive' woohoo.
Anyways, if you look those up, that is exACtly us.
Just from Chris: "Hey, can you imagine if Martin were a Feeler? He'd be an INFP."
I like how he basically implied "what if Martin felt things?"
It is funny.
Anywasy, I'm hungry it's lunchtime.
Last night I dreamt I was going to pick up Chris from my Brass Ring group to go to work in the morning. We have work at 10am. So I get to the 'lobby' of my 'apt' ( I dunno why, but I now live in a hotel like place ) and then I realize I forgot my keys. So I go up to get them. But as I enter the elevator, I realize I don't remember what floor I live on. There's this old couple dressed all formal waiting, so I feel bad. I vaguely remember my apt# to be between the 700s and 900s, so I press level 7.
We go up. Soon I am left by myself in the elevators, and I get off on floor 7.
It does not look like an apartment complex at all. In fact, it reminds me of a submarine or something; the walls are metallic and dark grey, the hall ways are extremely cramped. Only instead of soldiers, there are girls everywhere, running around. They must've been unpacking because there were suitcases and clothes spilling out of the rooms. I get very confused and walk around for maybe 5 minutes before I convince myself that I definitely don't remember living there.
I take the stairs to level 8. This time the place looks like a college dorm, brightly lit and painted. I wandered around. It still wasn't my floor. I started panicking, because it was 9:45 and I was supposed to pick up chris at 9:45. I go up another level and it looks like my apt, only it's inside, in a hallway. I unlock the door, and change for some reason... I come out wearing black leather boots and a black leather jacket. I have no idea why.
By the time I get out, I'm 16 minutes late and I feel very bad. I wake up stressed.

Keith: something something James Dean
Me: Do you know who James Dean is, Martin?
(Martin is very apathetic, emotionless, and clueless to social norms. That includes pop culture. Imagine his responses given in a monotone voice with nO element of feeling in it)
Martin: James Dean?
Me: Yes. James Dean. Do you know who that is?
Martin: No.
Keith: White shirt, black leather jacket, motorcycle?
Martin: Sounds familiar.
Keith: Rebel Without a Cause?
Martin: Oh. He was in that, right?
Me: yeS he was the stAR. geez do you know who Marilyn Monroe is?
Martin: uh, she's dead, right?
The rest of us do not stop laughing for 5 minutes.
I can not believe this guy, he is not human. He has no favorite foods, no favorite movies, no favorite books, and when we took the make up accounting test together last wednesday, he did not know the name of his teacher. When asked to describe her, he says "uh, she's female."
After much prodding, he concludes he likes rice a lot. And potatoes. He likes the while interesting, but every so slow 'Gattaca'. He signed up for this internship for now reason. Has no aspirations, doesn't plan to learn from this project. Thinks marketing is utterly useless. #($*)#(%*#()% Has no hobbies outside of video games. Rarely smiles (so the rest of us always make a big deal of it when he does), doesn't get angry.
He is like the opposite of me. Which is why we clash a lot.
We did that Kiersey/Briggs/Meyer thing, and we, as a group, are
Chris ISTJ 'The Duty Fulfiller'
Keith ENTP 'The Visionary'
Martin INTP 'The Thinker'
Me ENTP 'The Executive' woohoo.
Anyways, if you look those up, that is exACtly us.
Just from Chris: "Hey, can you imagine if Martin were a Feeler? He'd be an INFP."
I like how he basically implied "what if Martin felt things?"
It is funny.
Anywasy, I'm hungry it's lunchtime.
posted by Steph at 9:49 AM
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