Sunday, December 28, 2003

What a stupid concept 'The One' is.

I was watching something and there were these people getting married and saying "I knew he was The One" and crap like that, and it made me scoff.

I don't think there is a 'ONE', but a bunch of people of the opposite sex you are compatible with at certain points in your life and could possibly live with and produce babies with. It's all biological, not sentimental.

In a way, I think people don't really say 'I hope he's the One' as in 'I hope He's the only one if this world for me,' but 'I hope I end up with this guy.

'I mean yes, it's nice to have someone reallY compatible with you, but it's too idealistic to put all your eggs in one basket and naively hope that all your expectations and hopes and dreams can be found in one person. That's just ignorant and unrealistic.

If there was only One, you would never see people going from relationship relationship without remorse. People forget so easily. But it's not us humans' fault. We were programmed that way. If we sat around mooning after our first break up over the one true love of our lives, no babies would get made. So we get over it.

The only people who really can say there has been One, are people who have only been with one great One and haven't experienced other people. So who are they to say that the person they happen to be with is the One?

Anyways. I know this is cynical, but it's realistic.

posted by Steph at 10:27 AM


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