Sunday, December 21, 2003

wOW I had a weird dream. It was kinda icky.

I was at my old house, and it was merged into my new house. (Usually I dream of going to either, or maybe going back and forth.. does the merging mean I'm slowly transitioning? Who knows)

Anyways, my sister and I were cleaning or something, and all of the sudden I see the big fat worm scamper (yes, scamper) across my new house's kitchen floor. I screamed my head off and she came to see what was the matter. I told her the worm was like as thick as my finger and as long as my forearm; it was dISGUSting.

We slowly looked around for it, and suddenly I saw another one in the living room, a little smaller. We followed it into my parents' bedroom and there were 3 much smaller worms crawling more slowly around. I was so disgusted and I picked up a small plastic trash can and ran to the kitched to get a pair of those really long chopsticks you use for frying.

Christine held the trashcan while I tried to pick up the worms with the chopsticks. More and more kept appearing through out the house, and soon we had to pick them up with our hands because we weren't getting them fast enough. We actually almost filled the trash can (it was sicK) when we returned to our parents' room to double check and I saw this pink thing moving behind this black chair they have.

I moved the chair aside and saw a giGANTIc worm. I mean it. It was friGGin naSTY. It was at least as round as a barrel, and maybe 6 foot, but all curled up. It heaved and moved like it was breathing, but it didn't move fast at all. Thank god. I think I would've screamed myself awake.

It was gooey and sticky, and I prodded it with my handy chopsticks until it moved and I saw the worm's head. It was so groSss!!!!! Eww. I shudder even thinking about it now. Why do I have such nasty freaky dreams?! I haven't even seen a worm in forever? Where does this crap come from? I dunno. Anyways,

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of garbage bags to throw over the worm, and suddenly the room got dark and started spinning. The worm started talking to us through telepathy. (crazy, right?) I saw swirling colours and it said even if we got rid of it, we'd still have trouble with worms. My sister and I asked why, and it said because they were coming out from the walls.

Ok this part gets really scary. I kind of almost don't want to type it because my mom is leaving to go grocery shopping soon and I'm scared of being at home alone. Yes, at 12 in the afternoon.

Anyways, it said there were deaD people in our walls. All over the house. And that's where the worms were coming from. And to get rid of them we'd have to knock down the walls of our old/new house. oh eventually we bagged up the big worm and once I accidentally poked it with my chopstick and it bled a little. that was gross too. I don't know what we did about the dead people. Which is why I'm so scared right now.

DeaD people!! big icky worm!
Isn't that scary?!?!?!

AHHH I am so scared. Why am I such a freak?

posted by Steph at 10:25 AM


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