Friday, January 09, 2004

Wahoooooooo ~ I'm back from Vegas!

Considering it's only 12 over there right now and I haven't slept before 4 am while we were there for the past few days, I probably will be awake in Houston till about... 6 am or so.

Anyways, it was a great trip. There were so many sites and people and games and shows and lights and stuff, but I'm going to blog first about what I felt stood out the most to me on this trip:

THE FOOD. Holy CRAP I gained 5 pounds! FIVE POUNDS!! Does anyone have aNY idea how phenomenal that is for the puny mass called Stephanie?? If you extrapolate that into normal human terms, that's like gaining 10 pounds in less than a week!

We ate so well. I'm going to document what we ate, because I believe that is of more interest and import than anything else. As soon as we got to the airport in Vegas, we drove to LA to stay there a couple nights (because weekend rates in Vegas for the hotel we were staying was like 3 times the rates on week days).

On the way to LA we ate McDonalds. Then that night we met up with Mike Chirachanchiahisfneicha's sister and she took us to this incREDIBLY good Japanese Buffet. IT WAS SO GOOD. I ate like 2 platefuls of sushi and scallop and clams and mussels and orangy fish eggs and then a plateful of lobster claws and king crab. THEN I had at least a dozen white chocolate covered humongo strawberries. YUM YUM for my tummy!!!

That was just the first day.
The next day we had McDonald's breakfast and we went to Magic Mountain and rode these crazy roller coasters. I rode the best roller coaster of my life. It was called X. Instead of a cart-like contraption that you rode down the rails, you hung from both sides of it and the seats spun while you went backwards. This way, when you plummet downwards, the seat tilts towards the ground so that there is nothing in front of you and it looks like you're about to hit the ground. It was crazy. It was really cold the whole day and for lunch we stopped at this restaurant inside the park and ate chicken strips and fries. Yes, more fat. And keep in mind that LA is just friggin expensive, so all this food is not only fattening, it's also expensive. Anyways, back to the important stuff.

The second night of LA,
we went to Korea Town and I had this spicy tofu soup and Korean bbq meat and that was good too. Perfect after a day of 70mph roller coaster rides in 40 degree weather. Then we went to a Comedy Club called Improv, located in Hollywood. It's that famous club where all the comedians are in front of the brick wall; Drew Carey does stuff there and there's pictures of Seinfield and Ray Romano, etc. all along the walls. We happened to be in town for Asian Comedy night, Chopstick Comedy or whatever and it was HILARIOus. Usually yes, comedians on TV are funny, but this was like continuously good. There were 6 or so Asian comedians (a lot of Koreans, Phillipino, Chinese, etc) and I had not laughed out loud for that long since I can't remember when. Then we walked down Hollywood and looked at that stars on the sidewalks and went to Grauman's chinese theatre and looked at celebrity handprints and footprints.

Las Vegas was a blur of lights and hotels and food.
We ate italian food - garlic basil cream shrimp pasta, really really good pho and eggrolls, this great buffet where I loaded on meat and the best mash potatoes and pasta and thick strawberrry shortcake at The Palm, great sushi and chocolate and berry torte at The Venetian, and scallops and artichokes at the Bellagio with ginger mango dessert and lychee ice cream. In between we had IHOP and McDonald's breakfasts early during the day and Ramen noodles from Walgreens late at night. I FELT fat after a few days.

I just can not believed I gained 5 pounds.
I had made a New Year's Resolution to gain 10 pounds through a combination of eating more and working out. I guess I'm halfway there. Only I completed the easy part - the eating fattening foods. Now I have to get through the hard part and convert that fat into more muscle and meat. Ugh.. I will be running the treadmill tomorrow and taking up kickboxing again in Austin.

I should go to sleep now. I will blog more tomorrow.

... on the other hand.. who am I kidding?
I'm not going to go to sleep.
I will be online reading blogs and getting my internet fix until sunrise.
yay for internet.

posted by Steph at 12:16 AM


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