Friday, March 19, 2004

Despite how freaking behind I am in school, I actually want to get back to Austin.

Classes are boring and annoying and grades are stress inducing, but at least I stay busy and despite all the things I have to do, things seem much simpler up there.

It's like I'm back home, but I can't be a little kid anymore and play and have fun.

For my dad's birthday dinner tonight, there were two tables, like there always is. One was for adults, one for 'kids.'

The 'kids table' consisted of a pair of 35 year olds, two 30 year olds, a couple of 27 year olds, an almost 22 year old, an almost 20 year old (yech - that'd be me), an 18 year old, and an almost 18 year old.

There was one little table on the side where three little 10-11 year old girls sat. I kept wistfully glancing over; they kept giggling and looked like they were having so much fun. It must be nice to be so oblivious to everything else.

Soon the tables I sit at when I come home to visit won't even be the 'kids table' anymore. We'll all be old fogie adults. Where those little girls sat is the new generation of kids.

I am so depressed. I really can't be a kid anymore. That fun, innocent part of my life is over.


I can't wait to get back to Austin.

posted by Steph at 9:41 PM


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