Monday, March 01, 2004

I actually was at the business school for 6 hours tonight. I actually studied...

notice I didn't say I studied the whole time, but it's a hell of a lot more than I would've accomplished anywhere else. I even sat through an informal review session.

During our finance study fest, however, David, Yi-Lin and I had an interesting conversation:

Me: [staring off into space]
David / Yi-Lin: [turn to see what I'm staring at]
Me: I'm staring at that girl sitting over there. Her shirt is so short and her pants are so low. Why would someone wear that? I don't want to see such a disgusting expanse of flesh!

David looks, closes his eyes briefly, shakes his head, and goes back to work.
This is a good characterization of him.
Yi-Lin looks, laughs, and we talk about how gross it is.
This is also a good characterization of him.

Soon they both go back to reading.
I continue staring in fascination. There must be a good foot of skin showing, from her mid back to the top of her ass crack.

Me: [gaping]
Yi-Lin: You know, Stephanie, starting at it isn't going to make it go away.
David: Yeah, in fact, the more she moves, the worse it gets.
Me: Like the widening productivity gaps between rich countries and poor countries! It just keeps growing!
[we all laugh uncontrollably]
Me: I still don't get why someone would choose to look like that. It's nasty.
Yi-Lin: Yeah, but what can we do about it? You could give her a wedgie!
Me: I don't think those pants will go up anymore... what the heck do we have to do to get her to close that humongous gap?
David: Foreign aid?
[we all laugh uncontrollably again]

hahahahaha. for some reason that was so funny. really it was. at the time.

ok. maybe too much finance studying.

posted by Steph at 10:22 PM


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