Saturday, October 02, 2004

I feel dumb.

I'm at my aunt's house in Houston, and sitting with my two 10 and 11 year old cousins.

They're playing trivia with each other; one picks a letter and asks questions and the other has to name something starting with that letter. Artists (Da Vinci), Extinct bird, (Dodo), etc. Their knowledge astounds me.

Now they're playing the state capital game. They know all of them. Then the older one facetiously says 'Puerto Rico.' The younger, Angeline, proceeds to argue that Puerto Rico is not a 'state'. Gloria, the older, argues that since the US owns it, it counts. Angeline responds, "Well, it's not a state, it's a US territorial commonwealth."

Earlier, Gloria's dad knocked on the door to ask her about some Chinese proverb, and Gloria recites the whole 8 verse saying. Then yells as her dad as he walks back down the stairs to remember not to confuse a particular character with another similar one.

Gloria just came up to me to ask me to listen to their 'Congo drums.' It consists of one of them lying down and the other beating on her stomach. Why can't they just call it drums like normal kids?

These kids are so friggin smart, yet I can make up all these silly games and have them giggling their heads off.

Now they're tickling each other and making upside down funny faces.

::shakes head::

I feel very affectionate yet inadequate the same time.

posted by Steph at 9:11 PM


Blogger lemon said...

i miss angeline.....
and gloria.....
and christine.....
and, of course, stephanie

haha, i had ur entire family in my cyc groups =)

October 4, 2004 at 10:00 PM  
Blogger Steph said...

hahaha kevin. michael's right.

October 8, 2004 at 10:28 PM  

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