2005 > 1955?
The 1955 definition of a good wife:

My favorite? "Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him... remember, his topics of conversation are mor important than yours."
50 years later, it seems women are having problems finding man in general due to our damn independence.
If you are smart, successful, and career oriented and have trouble finding/keeping a man, please read the following to learn how you can make yourself attractive again:
" 'Bring your career down to reality,' suggests John Gray, Ph.D., author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. 'Open up and show a vulnerable side right from the beginning. When a woman immediately senses that a man is intimidated, she should find a way of communicating that she has a need for some advice' "
Screw you, John Gray. Why is it ok for men to talk, nay, braG about their careers and a woman has to dumb hers down so she doesn't hurt the wittle man's ego?
Other helpful tips include:
"Chat up guys about their career" - like how they stop talking about theiR jobs to ask about ours?
"Find equal footing" - like how they considerately stop talking about football, T&A, and god knows what else to find something neutral to talk about with you?
Is it just me or is this article eerily regressive and starting to sound like the 1950's one, where it's all about the guy's job/life again?
I just think it's a damn shame for women to get so far, work so hard to get there, then have to pretenD we're not as successful just to snag some jerk who either will end up noT ok with you being the breadwinner or just becomes a Federline bum.
The sad point is, it's all true. Guys will always be intimidated by successful women, and women will always be impressed by more successful guys.
THIS is why I'm dropping out of college and going to mooch off my parents until I can meet some guy at a party who will be impressed by the fact I do absolutely nothing except twirl my hair and be reassured by the fact that I will have plenty of time to worship him and bear his progeny.

My favorite? "Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him... remember, his topics of conversation are mor important than yours."
50 years later, it seems women are having problems finding man in general due to our damn independence.
If you are smart, successful, and career oriented and have trouble finding/keeping a man, please read the following to learn how you can make yourself attractive again:
" 'Bring your career down to reality,' suggests John Gray, Ph.D., author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. 'Open up and show a vulnerable side right from the beginning. When a woman immediately senses that a man is intimidated, she should find a way of communicating that she has a need for some advice' "
Screw you, John Gray. Why is it ok for men to talk, nay, braG about their careers and a woman has to dumb hers down so she doesn't hurt the wittle man's ego?
Other helpful tips include:
"Chat up guys about their career" - like how they stop talking about theiR jobs to ask about ours?
"Find equal footing" - like how they considerately stop talking about football, T&A, and god knows what else to find something neutral to talk about with you?
Is it just me or is this article eerily regressive and starting to sound like the 1950's one, where it's all about the guy's job/life again?
I just think it's a damn shame for women to get so far, work so hard to get there, then have to pretenD we're not as successful just to snag some jerk who either will end up noT ok with you being the breadwinner or just becomes a Federline bum.
The sad point is, it's all true. Guys will always be intimidated by successful women, and women will always be impressed by more successful guys.
THIS is why I'm dropping out of college and going to mooch off my parents until I can meet some guy at a party who will be impressed by the fact I do absolutely nothing except twirl my hair and be reassured by the fact that I will have plenty of time to worship him and bear his progeny.
posted by Steph at 11:06 AM
eh. conservative culture is on the rise. it comes in waves. just ride it out. it affects you less than you'd think. pretty soon we'll have another hippy druggie era again.
fuck them. why do you care what someone else says about what you should do.
if you listen to shit like that, you are dumb. why are you even giving them any credit.
of the wang family.
with first name RICHARD?!
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