One day at 6:30AM two little asian girls decided
to go on a donut run instead of going to sleep.
We head to Krispy Kreme, and decided to follow the motto:
"Share a box and share the fun!"
We got our hot donuts . . .
. . . and got a hot hug from our first customer.
Some were a bit exasperated to be woken up at 7:30am . . .
. . . but she warmed up to us.
Donut count: 2 eaten + 8 given away =
10 donuts
Some kept us waiting . . .
. . . but rewarded us with a smile.
Donut Count =

Some were just flat out grumpy . . .
. . . but faked it for the camera.
Donut Count =
Some didn't answer at all . . .
. . . and it was quite a chilly morning.
Just when we had given up hope . . .
. . . a shock of hair appears above.
The hair accepts our donuts!
Donut Count =
". . . you guys are crazy. . ."
Donut Count: 24!
Donut Run = Success!
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