cats & dog

No one ever believes Bellini is a boy. After seeing this picture, I can understand why.
Doesn't he have pretty eyes???
Bellini is polite and obedient, never jumping on tables or counters and listens when I tell him to "get off".

This one still has no name. I just call her kitty. She is very bad and will do anything to sneak food. She also likes to drink out of people's cups. And toilets. And sinks. And showers.

Doesn't she look mean? It's not her fault - she was rescued from the wild and wasn't meant to be domesticated.
She will jump on the bed/couch if it's just me and snuggle and purr. But she runs from everyone else.
Bellini loves everyone and everything, including his oft-visiting bulldog friend:
Stupid kitty especially hates dogs. She never pees outside the litter box, but will specifically pee on his bed or anything smelling like dog.
posted by Steph at 3:10 PM
I remember bellini hogged the couch and crapped on my foot, we haven't been on speaking terms since.
Haha you seriously got a bulldog!?!?
bulldogs are so cute... look at english bulldog puppies ... they look like cute folds of skin :)
hey dude. it's jennifer...from HS, lol. maybe i'll catch you online some other time and catch up
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