Sunday, March 28, 2004

Just when I think there isn't enough ignorant sh*tholes, I get proven wrong.

Some racist bitch actually has the gall to conjure up every shallow Asian stereotype and post it in an even more racist magazine.

I have no idea where the stupid f*cking bimbo got the idea that she knows enough about Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and whatever other Asian men she insulted in her little cute article to actually publish it in a national magazine. It wasn't even very funny, witty, or well researched. All she did was take what other racist idiots thought of in the past, mix it up (badly) and insert stupid puns.

If some magazine had allowed a racist article instulting African Americans, you knoW the NAACP would have a f*cking field day with it. There would be lawsuits up Details Magazine's ass, along with the stupid girl who wrote it.

Maybe because Asians are quieter and more conservative. We're stereotyped as just taking shit instead of really fighting for something.

I am so shocked, pissed and disappointed that in this day and age something as bullsh*t as this article actually go published.

Sign the petition please.

posted by Steph at 8:47 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Today in management class, to further our discussion on cross-cultural differences, the teacher had two international students in our class go down the the front to talk about what the differences between American culture and the cultures of whatever countries they've traveled to and lived in.

The guy was German and spoke English, French and German (They're required to learn two other languages) and had lived in Korea and was studying in Switzerland before he came to America. The girl was from Hong Kong and studied in France for 4 years before coming here. It was impressive how many languages they spoke and how much they knew about all these different countries.

Enough background. And now, to what really matters. What pissed me off:

These stupid hicks sitting in a row in front of me. There are 5 morons. 2 of them are particularly of note:

One of them I had worked with in a group project before, last semester. He is wearing an Old South Confederacy fraternity t-shirt that has a nostalgic looking blurry picture of a plantation home of some sort with Confederate soliders looking all noble parading in front of it on high horses. It says something about not forgetting the good old days. Yeah, the good old days when you had slaves to flog.

The other is this pompous conservative bastard who'd been making comments all semester long. Stupid, narrow-minded, irritatingly and undeservedly indignant comments. He's one of those Republican idiots that think Americans are level to God Almighty and should bomb the hell out of whatever piddly country provokes or - god forbid, disagrees with us. He fancies himself already an infalliable businessman and probably thinks he'll be a disgustingly wealthy CEO by the time he's 25. The smirk on his face and the way he arrogantly reclines in his chair stinks of self-importance.

As the German guy starts talking about how the American culture is different (for example, in Germany the girls would never wear flip flops and pajama pants to class) and how some Germans were againt the war in Iraq, Mr. Pompous Sh*thole starts smirking and saying how those Germans hate America. When the Asian girl starts talking about how the young people in Asia kind of like how Americans are so easy going and independent, Mr. Pompous Sh*thold starts smirking and saying how China hates America.

I wanted to reach down and bitch slap him.
He sits right in front of me, so everytime I see his face contort into that ugly supercilious expression my fingers itch to come into contact with his head. I wouldn't even bother explaining to the bastard laughing at the Asian girl stumbling over her English that those two students up there speak at least 3 languages fluently and deserve more patience and respect out of us 'ethnocentric' (oooh.. management word) Americans. Both the guy and the girl said that the countries they're from and visited even though don't always agree with Americans, are very welcoming to its citizens anyways. And here they are mocking and rolling their eyes at the international students.

Oh, and before class was even half over, the guy with the Old South t-shirt gets up to leave. Then this other frat buddy leaves. Then the guy next to him. The other 2 stooges stay behind to grace the rest of the class with their educated comments and thought-provoking questions.


It amazes me how many ignorant moRons I meet that have never been out of the country and have the audacity to think themselves and their culture so damn superior.

posted by Steph at 1:30 PM 0 comments

Monday, March 22, 2004

Wow I take back everything bad I've ever said about school.

I enjoy learning so much. After all, not everyone is lucky enough to be able to go to a univeristy and attain such useful knowledge and gain such wonderful classroom experiences.

The finance lecture about foreign exchange rates was particularly stimulating today. Did you know that if you can get 20 Pesos for 1 American Dollar, then that means one Peso will only get you 5 cents? My goodness, it was so invigorating my eyes closed and my mind reached a dark and quiet mental state to better absorb the information.

Then I went to management class where I learned about cross-cultural differences and negotiation styles. I love how my teacher speaks in such a clear, precise, monotone voice. Her slow pace helps me take in the information much better than if she had spoken like a normal person.

THEN, as if that wasn't fun enough, instead of having to go home and do nothing until my meeting, I actually went to a study lounge and read and took notes for almost 2 hours! Nothing thrills me more than quelling the demon urges to play and be idle and instead choosing to be responsible and studious.

Now I get to go to an ABSA officer/director meeting, and my heart is just about to burst from happiness and excitement from this wonderfully spontaneous and exhilarating day.

I am such a lucky lucky girl.

posted by Steph at 4:10 PM 0 comments

Saturday, March 20, 2004

posted by Steph at 4:58 PM 0 comments

Friday, March 19, 2004

Despite how freaking behind I am in school, I actually want to get back to Austin.

Classes are boring and annoying and grades are stress inducing, but at least I stay busy and despite all the things I have to do, things seem much simpler up there.

It's like I'm back home, but I can't be a little kid anymore and play and have fun.

For my dad's birthday dinner tonight, there were two tables, like there always is. One was for adults, one for 'kids.'

The 'kids table' consisted of a pair of 35 year olds, two 30 year olds, a couple of 27 year olds, an almost 22 year old, an almost 20 year old (yech - that'd be me), an 18 year old, and an almost 18 year old.

There was one little table on the side where three little 10-11 year old girls sat. I kept wistfully glancing over; they kept giggling and looked like they were having so much fun. It must be nice to be so oblivious to everything else.

Soon the tables I sit at when I come home to visit won't even be the 'kids table' anymore. We'll all be old fogie adults. Where those little girls sat is the new generation of kids.

I am so depressed. I really can't be a kid anymore. That fun, innocent part of my life is over.


I can't wait to get back to Austin.

posted by Steph at 9:41 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

So random:

1. Enter your first name only into Google.
2. Then click the "Images" tab.
3. Pick your favorite 3 and post them in your journal.
4. Write the LJ name of the person you stole this from: n3mesis85

posted by Steph at 10:02 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I friggin gained 8 points since christmas break.

I remember being all excited gaining 4 pounds from a week in vegas with vivian, even though that all went away after a few days. But it's been 4 days since I got back and I've weighed myself every day and these 8 pounds are here to stay.

goddamit it's so weird. I like to convince myself that it's all the crazy exercising I've been doing lately, and it's just 3 pounds of pure muscle on each leg and 1 on each arm. That's what I tell myself.

what. the. hell. I've actually reached 90. I don't know what to think. at least I still fit into my clothes.

I went to get a haircut today, and this guy that helps out there actually looked at me and said "did you get fat?" in Chinese. I saw him last about 2 months ago.

HOW do you noT know to noT say that shit to a girl? GEEZ. I mean, I don't give a shit, but he doesn't know that. For all he knows, he could've made me go bulimic.

my mom says my face is a good indicator of my weight; and when I got back from spring break she told me it looked rounder. When she sees me with my face all not plump she always freaks out and asks me if I've been eating at school. So I guess my face must have been particularly round today to make that guy say that.

my uncle says if i reach 100, he'll give me a 100 bucks. I plan to hold him to that.

posted by Steph at 10:05 PM 0 comments

Friday, March 12, 2004

I'm confused where my 'home' is.

When someone asked me where I was, I said 'Houston.'

I haven't been back since Christmas break; I think 2 months is a record. I'm so used to Austin it even felt weird saying I was in Houston, let alone calling it home.

It feels weird to be back.

posted by Steph at 8:41 PM 0 comments

Monday, March 08, 2004

I am so sore that when I woke up this morning I was unable to physically move my lower body. I can't believe the weekend passed by so fast; I don't even remember where the time went.

Come to think of it, those two sentences put together without further explanation probably doesn't sound too good.

Friday night we played poker until 4 am. There were only 5 players, and vivian watched and helped deal. I ended up breaking even after like 3 hours, which doesn't seem like it was worth it, but I can't complain. I got to watch a most interesting and amusing game for the remainder of the night: Shanna vs. Joe.

Hahhahahaha. It was hilarious. Shanna's playing is so completely unorthodox it confused the hell out of Joe. For someone who prides himself so much on being able to read people, Shanna sure did take him for a ride. In the end, Joe ended up winning, but they played heads for for at least 3 hours, the chips going back and forth. Vivian and I worked on the ABSA banner and every time I heard intelligible sounds coming from Joe, I got to look up and watch Shanna rake in more chips.

There was this one ridiculous hand where Joe had an ace with two aces showing on the flop, and shanna only had a pair of fours. She stayed in and called all his raises until the end, where she ended up catching a four on the river and getting a full house of 4s over aces. It was nuts. No normal person would have stayed in a hand with two aces showing and the other person raising like crazy, but that's what makes it all so ironic. Anyways, it was worth staying up to watch.

I ended up sleeping around 5, waking up at 8 the next morning, sitting through a 5+ hour leadership conference, and going straight to playing football. The lack of sleep and water and afternoon sun and football made me feel so horrible. I got an excruciating headache. I passed out the rest of the night.

The next day we had an officer meeting followed by another 2 hours of football outside and then 2 hours of softball practice and then an hour softball game.

The bastards we played in our first game of softball were in our coed C division (A being the most competitive division), but it was total bullshit. Every single person on their team could bat home runs and catch and throw so friggin well. I was so angry these shameless assholes had the gall to sign up for coed C just so they were guaranteed to win. It's so unsportsmanlike. They all had matching uniforms and this one self-important prig even had the whole baseball outfit - tight pinstriped pants, matching belt and all.

Anyways, the ref made the team go up a bracket to Coed B, but that doesn't really do anything for ABSA's morale. At least those pricks are gone. We practiced softball for another hour and a half on the IM fields after that, until it turned dark and windy and cold. After Sunday, not only am I sore as hell, I'm sunburned as well. And bruised. Both my knees are really disgusting.

I'm supposed to be working on some stupid marketing case right now in the computer lab, but I don't feel like it.

I wish spring break started now.

posted by Steph at 5:30 PM 0 comments

Monday, March 01, 2004

I actually was at the business school for 6 hours tonight. I actually studied...

notice I didn't say I studied the whole time, but it's a hell of a lot more than I would've accomplished anywhere else. I even sat through an informal review session.

During our finance study fest, however, David, Yi-Lin and I had an interesting conversation:

Me: [staring off into space]
David / Yi-Lin: [turn to see what I'm staring at]
Me: I'm staring at that girl sitting over there. Her shirt is so short and her pants are so low. Why would someone wear that? I don't want to see such a disgusting expanse of flesh!

David looks, closes his eyes briefly, shakes his head, and goes back to work.
This is a good characterization of him.
Yi-Lin looks, laughs, and we talk about how gross it is.
This is also a good characterization of him.

Soon they both go back to reading.
I continue staring in fascination. There must be a good foot of skin showing, from her mid back to the top of her ass crack.

Me: [gaping]
Yi-Lin: You know, Stephanie, starting at it isn't going to make it go away.
David: Yeah, in fact, the more she moves, the worse it gets.
Me: Like the widening productivity gaps between rich countries and poor countries! It just keeps growing!
[we all laugh uncontrollably]
Me: I still don't get why someone would choose to look like that. It's nasty.
Yi-Lin: Yeah, but what can we do about it? You could give her a wedgie!
Me: I don't think those pants will go up anymore... what the heck do we have to do to get her to close that humongous gap?
David: Foreign aid?
[we all laugh uncontrollably again]

hahahahaha. for some reason that was so funny. really it was. at the time.

ok. maybe too much finance studying.

posted by Steph at 10:22 PM 0 comments